LF fish trap

I'm not crazy about it as a trap since you have to use it vertically and it then becomes tall but shallow but you can try. But I think elviraveloz is picking up tonight for the multicolor angel.
I made one you're welcome to borrow. I've used it several times works great. Drop a little food in. When the fish you want goes in you just pull the fishing line close the door. 99% guarantee it will work. I live in Hallandale East of US1. I know it's a drive for you.


I made one you're welcome to borrow. I've used it several times works great. Drop a little food in. When the fish you want goes in you just pull the fishing line close the door. 99% guarantee it will work. I live in Hallandale East of US1. I know it's a drive for you.



I think thats the best design ive see yet!! Very nice.
I have a trap that I'm trying to catch a flame angel and that sucker would not go in. He will wait until others go in and from their movement food comes out and he's right by the door picking away
Don't feed the fish for a day.
I have a small whole in the top corner of the that box at the opposite side of the door.
I use eye dropper and put a small amount mysis at a time.
The only way to get some food is to go in.
You have to be patient but all the fish eventually go in.
Of course all the fish your not trying to catch go in first... Lol
Don't feed the fish for a day.
I have a small whole in the top corner of the that box at the opposite side of the door.
I use eye dropper and put a small amount mysis at a time.
The only way to get some food is to go in.
You have to be patient but all the fish eventually go in.
Of course all the fish your not trying to catch go in first... Lol

Yes I feed everyday, maybe I need to make a box like yours or borrow it to get him out. Since you put a small amount he wouldn't have a choice and be forced to enter, the trap I have has a screw on back where the food goes but that doesn't seems like it'll entice fish to enter on the other end. So I end up placing it into the tube and like you say every other fish enters but him. Lol
It's really easy to make. It's basically a box with a door on it.
If anyone is interested in making one I would be happy to share details.
I'll be interested in buying or making one asap. Need this flame angel out the tank, he's the reason I haven't added any more sps
Well borrowed Dave's trap. She won't even look at it. I'm not going to feed my regular times And skip a day to see if she gets more aggressive eating. If this doesn't work over the next few days then I will be picking up the other trap and trying out. Worse case I'm going to empty my tank out.