LF fish trap

You won't have to empty the tank... Lol.
The fish will naturally stay away from something new in the tank.
Give them a day to warm up to the trap. When you feed today
put the food near or in the trap if possible. Mine has a tiny hole in the top far corner. I squirt mysis in it and the food gently flows out of the trap door. After a day or two the fish gather around the trap looking for food. If it doesn't work in a day or two
come get mine and give it a try. Did I mention you need patience..... Lol
It's really easy to make. It's basically a box with a door on it.
If anyone is interested in making one I would be happy to share details.

Props- youve had a few requests already. Make a few and let us buy them, lol, i get first dibs.:hammer::lolspin:
Neat trap with the swing door. I definitely like the idea over the sliding door.

For those trying to trap a fish. Patience is key. Also try live food after not feeding for a day.

The other tip... Don't close the trap until the fish goes inside. Every time you miss, the fish gets wiser.
Oh yeah and for aggressive fish, nothing beats their reflection. That's how I got my 6 line.

My family is already jealous of the amount of time I spend reefkeeping.
I can just hear the conversation with my husband when I tell him I'm
making fish traps...lol.
He thought I was crazy when I made that one. He said just use a net...lol
I'm so happy I found you guys. No one around here wants to hear about fish, coral or nitrates. Its awesome to talk to people that get it and have the same passion.

Thank you :)

My family is already jealous of the amount of time I spend reefkeeping.
I can just hear the conversation with my husband when I tell him I'm
making fish traps...lol.
He thought I was crazy when I made that one. He said just use a net...lol
I'm so happy I found you guys. No one around here wants to hear about fish, coral or nitrates. Its awesome to talk to people that get it and have the same passion.

Thank you :)

Then you would really enjoy our local meetings :)
You won't have to empty the tank... Lol.
The fish will naturally stay away from something new in the tank.
Give them a day to warm up to the trap. When you feed today
put the food near or in the trap if possible. Mine has a tiny hole in the top far corner. I squirt mysis in it and the food gently flows out of the trap door. After a day or two the fish gather around the trap looking for food. If it doesn't work in a day or two
come get mine and give it a try. Did I mention you need patience..... Lol

I understand, and agree with Marvin- nothing like hanging with reef nerds.

Maybe we can get our acrylic guru MrX to make some for us. Matt?? :hmm5:
Nivram , I'm in your same shoes, he even told my family if I requested something for the tank from Santa to ignore me. I have to hide to go on the forum and forget what I have to do to go to reefers house to pick or bring something. He's always talking about the dangers of going to strangers house and every reefer I know is a MAN and I wonder, WHY? I 'm so happy to know you are a female HORAY! May be we can go out for fishes business instead of clothes or shoes. Are you a member of the club and attend the meetings? if so, I will sign for it.
Lol, yes I'm a guy. But as Eddie stated there are lots of women in our hobby. Check out our Facebook group page. I know we have quite a few that are active there.

Well no luck. I feed around the trap I feed in the trap it's been sitting in same spot for a few days and nothing. Not one fish. I have caught a few hermit crabs and that's about it. I'm going to try today again and see what happens. If not I will call you today. Thanks for the help and ideas
I understand, and agree with Marvin- nothing like hanging with reef nerds.

Maybe we can get our acrylic guru MrX to make some for us. Matt?? :hmm5:

Is this what your looking for Eddie....simple to do you buy the materials I can assist putting them together ..


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid17.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb70%2Fmrx66699%2FVIDEO0083_zpsce67aff7.mp4">

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Well no luck. I feed around the trap I feed in the trap it's been sitting in same spot for a few days and nothing. Not one fish. I have caught a few hermit crabs and that's about it. I'm going to try today again and see what happens. If not I will call you today. Thanks for the help and ideas

How are you using it?

Call me if its easier. You really have to be patient. Its not always a one day deal. With a really hard fish, I will sit the trap in the tank for a week with the door left open just to get the fish used to it being in the tank.
Well no luck. I feed around the trap I feed in the trap it's been sitting in same spot for a few days and nothing. Not one fish. I have caught a few hermit crabs and that's about it. I'm going to try today again and see what happens. If not I will call you today. Thanks for the help and ideas

how are you feeding the trap.....you cant be taking it in and out in and out.....your trap should have a .25 or so hole drilled in the top opposite the door ....use a big ball syringe with a hollow tube extension ....take some tank water and thaw out some frozen mysis, bloodworms or bryne or whatever you are feeding and feed the trap with the ball syringe a few times a day 5-6 times, get them used to it...also if its an angel or tang you are attempting to get place some dried seaweed in it so it floats to the top and stays in it.....

also I have read some miss information on here that could result in some issues for your other fish.....if your tank is like mine it has a mixture of a lot of small fish with the large ones....you can't just feed the trap and thats it your smaller fish or ones that are not going in it will not be eating anything and thats a recipe for disaster over a 3-5 day period ....you should keep all your consistencies with the tank ....now you can feed lightly the regular feedings but you should never just starve off your fish over a few day period or your asking for trouble especially if your tank has strands of ick in it....fish will be stressed for the first day or so of putting in the trap in and then some not getting anything to eat for a week is messing with fire.....just be patient they will all eventually go in some just take longer than others....

just caught my queen and blueface....queen took 4 days and the blueface took 7 days