LF fish trap


If you are catching hermit crabs your trap is probably sitting on the floor.
That didn't work for me. I put the suction cups on so it could sit mid to upper half of the tank.
Trial and error....

Also, with the suction cups it dosent move when the fish go in, they don't get scared.
When the food comes out the fish swim up to it, not down to it, it seems more natural.
Snails and crabs are a none issue.

You have to be patient the fish will go in you just have to wait for the one you want.

The last fish I caught was a 6 line, it took me 2 days.
I watched the youtube.
That's exactly how it works. The door is different but other than that same idea.
I tried the sliding door first but with the cheesy acrylic I had to use I could not
get the door to fall fast enough. That acrylic in the video is much thicker therefore heavier. However, I think it might be easier to pull the door up than having it fall down. I am in no way an acrylic anything.....lol. I hear you are the acrylic "guru" I'm sure you can do a much better job than I did.
I needed to get a fish out - I made the trap with spare parts I had in the garage in desperation to save the rest of my fish. That's what I came up with it has worked for me several times :).
For the trap door style trap. I've found adding weight to the door helped. I like to glue a piece of marble to it. Someone liked this trap so much, it disappeared :(
Is this what your looking for Eddie....simple to do you buy the materials I can assist putting them together ..


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid17.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb70%2Fmrx66699%2FVIDEO0083_zpsce67aff7.mp4">


Ide be happy to pay for materials but agree with Marvin that this might be a good project for FMAS in 2014.

That being said I like the sliding door Props used. What is your opinion on both making it, and functionality?
Thanks Maria.

Well trap the works great in her tank. In 5 minutes she caught 5 fish. So I'm taking her advice and setup the trap. So last night I fed them using the trap and they all ate right out the trap. I'm sure they will swim right in the next few days. The swinging door works much better then sliding door.
Well this trap works great. With my other fish. Lol I have caught all my other fish minus the one I'm trying to catch. I swear she went to fish trap school or something. She gets in about half her body then backs out. I'm thinking in a few more days maybe a week I should catch her. If not I guess I'm out of options.