lf: nano skimmer


Active member
What's up everyone. Im looking for a nano skimmer for my biocube 29. I just want to check with the locals before I placed an order for one. Also do any of the miami stores stock tunze.

Some examples of what I am looking for are

Tunze 9001/ 9002 /9004
Cadlights pls50
Aquaticlife 115
Hydor nano
Innovative marine ghost midsize

Thanks in advance
Go with a new aquatic life 115. Its 50 bucks New... I use it in my biocube 29 and it is amazing. Sometimes I have to clean it everyday. Dont even need to buy a used one when that is available! (It does take awhile for it to break in though . . . )
Thanks for the reply necrio. What chamber do you have it in?
Did you purchase it locally or online?
Online. And I tried getting it in the first, but for some reason I couldnt get it to fit right. So, I have it in the middle ( second). Works best here because you can have the lid shut and all.
Honestly the only reason Im considering the aquaticlife is because I read that it can fit in chamber 1. Do you have the oceanic or coralife version biocube.
coral. It WILL fit in it.. I just find it easier in 2.

Gotcha.. I'll wait a few day's more to see if anything pops up locally if not I think im gonna order the aquaticlife. Is there anything you don't like about it. What type of bioload do you have?
I have a huge bioload. 2 black clown, 1 midas blenny, a huge pistol shrimp I almost never see, but see his sand storm in the mornings. Uhhh, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 yellow watchman goby that is doing his own thing ignoring the pistol and his destruction....

and a new addition(that i did NOT want) is an escapee goby i had for a new pair coming up in my new pico.

5 fish, 3 inverts shrimp.. too many snails/hermits to count.

What i say about the 115~~ Too loud( from bubbling). It is in my room, so I often turn it off at night. Also, I don't know if its a minus or a plus or whatever. But, the skim has always been tinted lighter than my previous Crappy skimmer(ps 75 from Odyssey). Different water, tank, setup etc though.. So I can't tell if good or bad.
I honestly don't think a skimmer is worth the cash on the biocube. Purge Floss and water changes worked for me before I traded up. Unless you put it on a sump the size skimmer would be pretty expensive imo.
Its true. Its not that useful
However, for my HUGE bioload and I try to save money by doing bi weekly waterchanges instead of weekly. Although it only costs me 3 bucks at LFS to get water change.