
New member
So I've gotten sick of lugging buckets to my girlfriends house to do water changes. The time has come she needs her own unit. Must have a built in tdi. Preferably would like to go with a bulk reef supply 5 stage since that is what I run but would entertain other possibilities. Looking to spend around $100 too.
There are a few on craigslist. One guy in Springhill has a BRS, looks like 5 stage. He is asking $150 but maybe you could talk him down.

One in Pinellas for $80 but no details.
I would think you would want to change the pre and carbon anyway and tubing is simple. Unless i am not understanding "First 2 filters missing" Replacing those are cheap.
Talked to Mike (crazy eyes) earlier and he is gonna pick all that up. I'm going to Colorado this weekend so going to get it Sunday or Monday from him. Finally no more lugging buckets to the girlfriends house!!