LF uv sterilizer

I have an Emperor Aquatics 40 Watt UV Sterilizer for my 150. Emperor Aquatics has been purchased by Pentair Aquatics
I have an 18watt Corallife twister. Great for water clarity if that's what you're looking to do. I wouldn't bother to use a uv sterilizer for parasites, but that's just my opinion. PM me if interested.
Yeah, there are some pretty long debates about it on various forums. I guess it just comes down to whether or not it can reduce the parasite population enough in your tank to make you happy. I've always thought of it as a bandaid rather than an actual solution.
You need the correct size UV sterilizer with enough power on it as well as the correct flow through your tank in order to kill parasites. The Corallife twisters are good for algae but thats about it for a decent size tank.
A bigger sterilizer is definitely more effective, but the bigger it is the hotter your tank gets. Plus, it still doesn't completely irradiate the pests. From what I understand the free swimming stage is very short. Maybe 24-48 hours, which is a very small window of opportunity. Additionally, the term "free swimming" means that they are capable of swimming freely, but don't necessarily spend the entire cycle doing just that. Some argue that they are triggered instead of randomly swimming around until they run into a host. Last but not least, the one you miss can create hundreds of offspring. It never ends... That was the gist of it anyway. Maybe they've since debunked a few more myths since I last read up on it? I hope so!
The biggest, baddest UVs don't dare suggest they can kill ich, thats because they don't. I tried to give a company well over $1,000 for one and they made sure I knew over and over again that there was a very small chance it would effect ich in anyway.
The biggest, baddest UVs don't dare suggest they can kill ich, thats because they don't. I tried to give a company well over $1,000 for one and they made sure I knew over and over again that there was a very small chance it would effect ich in anyway.

Yup, just like us humans, immunity in strength and health. No magic here, just be careful and "if it sounds too good to be true" ....... guess what :).
Yea I don't think it's going to cure ich by any means but I have seen fish get it and they are normally toast and then since having a uv I've noticed them get it and be able to over come it which usually never happened.

I find it impossible to ever truly Eliminate ich from your tank forever. Seems at some point in time in this hobby no matter how hard you try and how much you quarantine your going to get ich one way or another sometime.
Thanks to John at FAOIS I am going to pick up my UV sterilizer for the tank tomorrow!! Can't wait to get it online to help clean the water up!!