Light Fixture ?


FWMAS Member
Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone has taken a Light Fixture apart, and used the guts as a retrofit inside a canopy? I have a Current 4x54 T5 (SLR) fixture, and i just got a new canopy from Dayton Cabinetry and was wondering if I could take the fixture apart and install everything in the canopy? Or should I just buy a couple retro kits and sell the fixture? Let me know what you think....
I would think you would be able to take apart and use it just fine, might have to do a little wiring, but no big deal on that end.
Thats what I was thinking. I do think I should use waterproof endcaps thought. Thats the only thing I could think would need changed.
Thanks Phil, I'll get ahold of you when I get that far. Still need to paint the inside of the canopy and get the outside stained to match the stand. Going to the lake next Wed. for 5 days. If you come up give me a call and we can meet at the sandbar for drinks!