Lighting advice for 60 gal cube


New member
Want to achieve good growth on a budget
Would you recommend LED, T5 retro or smaller halide setup
Wouldn't think larger halide would be needed for 24 inch cube tank
But want everyone's opion
Thanks in advance
I have a 60 cube and I have two Current Marine Orbit LEDs in the 24" - 36" size. Two of them provide light pretty evenly and are probably less expensive than one of most other fixtures. The are programmable and have a remote control. I keep mostly LPS and everything is growing and coloring nicely.
what are you goals for your tank? Is it just Zoas? If so, they aren't really demanding on light but LEDs definitely make them pop out more. Also, the heat... so much less heat than Halides!! Then there is the power saving.
I would just put a 250 watt Radium bulb over the tank and call it a day. Heat can easily be alleviated by a cheap household fan, you would be able to keep pretty much anything you wanted & the cost of powering the set-up and replacing the bulb once a year is peanuts compared to the overall scheme of things IMO. I'm sure you've heard it before, but this isn't exactly one of the cheapest hobbies to begin with. GL.
I would just put a 250 watt Radium bulb over the tank and call it a day. Heat can easily be alleviated by a cheap household fan, you would be able to keep pretty much anything you wanted & the cost of powering the set-up and replacing the bulb once a year is peanuts compared to the overall scheme of things IMO. I'm sure you've heard it before, but this isn't exactly one of the cheapest hobbies to begin with. GL.

Best growth IMO comes from a radium. Nuff said IMO