Lighting for Zoos in 120 Gal Reef

Just curious as to why you have chosen 250 watts?

I am concerned about the reflectors. If you take a close look, they shallow and flared outward. This creates a wide spray of light instead of the desired downward spray. Normally you would see one or two more sections on the U shaped ends of the reflector that are missing in the photos above.

Just my 2 cents.

"Just curious as to why you have chosen 250 watts?"

Hmm, where did I say something was wrong with 250 watts.
Sorry, I guess that when I see something phrased that way it often infers that there is a problem with the choice being made. As someone who is running 250 watts on a fairly new 120 gal tank, as well as someone who likes zoanthids and have many already in my tank, I was looking to see if there was some problem with running these particular lights, as the zoanthids in my tank appear to be quite happy with them.
I'll jump in since everyone else looks to be interested in 250w MH. I was thinking of the same over one of my 75's for the same reason that Brian Koyama gave, "400w way too hot, 175w not enough intensity, 250w's right in the middle". :D
Hello Brian, not sure if your 60 gallon is a hex or not, but I think the pendant would work just fine for 2 ft across the surface. Some can and will push it to 3 feet, sometimes creating dead spots on each end of the tank.

Regarding the intensity of the 175's, don't count them out. The link below is my buddy's TOTM. I was there the day he transferred all of his 3 inch frags to this 180. The growth and coloration in this tank was achieved with 175 watts Hamiltons with actinic supplementation. I simply can't describe the growth of these frags to huge colonies in just one year and the zoos were crazy sweet. Trust me, I photographed his TOTM pictures myelf.

I'm not knocking 250's at all. My new 210 next year will have 250's as well.

I went with an IceCap 250w MH from Marine Depot.I got it with the Hamilton 14k's which had nice color but when it was time for new bulbs I went with the 10k XM's which are less blue but have a higher PAR for growth.I got 2 of these on my 120gl because its a 24" tall tank and I read 175w won't penetrate deep enough and 400w will be way to intense.I have them about 8" above the water surface in a canopy me and my dad built.

IceCap 250w