Lighting switch


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
If I change from 2 xm 10000k SE mh's to 2 xm 20000k SE mh's, do I need to acclimate? I'm about done with growth, everything's grown well, now it's time for it to color up. Acros and montis will live well under this light, right? I'm fine if it grows slowly, I just want phenomenal color. Tired of brown tricolors and kinda green slimers.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7189664#post7189664 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by onehundred20
lack of color is most likely water quality issue, you should still get good color with the 10k's:D

agreed....there are plenty of beautiful tanks with 10ks..... they seem to bring the true color of the coral out more...i would make sure i check my levels and all that good stuff o make sure your water isnt causing the corals to brown out.... i had my corals brown out before i had some macro algea, because of the excess nutrients...just my .02
My nutrients are next to nil... I have 20 gallons of chaeto, and I wash it out every water change. I change 15% weekly with Instant Ocean mix, keep sg at 1.025, temp fluctuates between 79 and 81, everything else is right in line. I even went barebottom in an attempt to get the colors better.
No need to acclimate them to 20K, The 20K are a lot less light than the 10K so no worries there. probably will need to acclimate them when you switch back to 10K from 20K after you find the 20K don't make them any more colorful. :)