Lighting Temperature for clams


New member
I am in the planning stages (about 6 months out) of doing a SPS, clam tank and I have a question on the lighting aspect. The tank is most likely going to be 60gal. For lighting I was thinking a 400W 20,000k halide with 1 or more 96w 6,500k pc's. Would this lighing be ok for max and crocea clams? Any sugestions would be welcome.
Most of the info I've read about clams, and I'd reccomend you read "Giant Clams" by Daniel Knop, reccomend 10k or less. If I were doing 400w I'd go with 65k. Iwasaki's and supplement vho actinics for dawn and dusk effect. Alternatevly, you could go 250w.hqi's10k and add vho, too. I'm doing a 58g and hanging a 250hqi pendant to be able to view clams from above. I'm assuming you want the more colorful Maxima's and Crocea's that demand bright/daylight spectrum lighting to thrive longterm. Some of the less colorful clams like T. Gigas, H.hippopus,T.deresa, can get by with less intensity. Happy clamming, Rob.
Thanks for the reply. I like the idea of the 400w 6500k w/ VHO actinics suplimentation. What I forgot to mention in the first post was that the tank would be 48 inches wide. Would 1 MH be enough for the entire tank or would 2 250W 6500k w/ VHO supliments be a better setup for boath the clams and SPS?

Z, I think you mean 48" long :) If so I would go with the 2 x 250. I use to have 400s on my 180 SPS/Clam tank and I went back to 3 250, 6,500K with VHO suppliments. I thought the 400er really got hot compared to the 250s and IMO the 400 watter 6,500K were more yellow. Just my opinion. Robert was correct that Daniel does recommend 10K or less for clams.

Oops I did mean 48" long. Are there any brands of bulbs and balasts that you recomend or avoid? And are there different brands that work better together than with others? I know the tank is still a ways off but I want to get as much info as I can before I start buying. Thanks for the help.
I'd agree with toptank on 250w and go 1mh/2' of tank length. If your wallet is thick I'd get a 250w 10k aquaspacelight with actinic supplementation and hang it over your 48" tank. This system has the ballast built into the hood. Do a search for metal halide and you'll find LOTS of different opinions. For sure, clams and sps look great viewed from above and if u can arrange that you'll be glad. As far as what ballast to go for, pfo offers some nice outfits and prices are good. Try to visit some tanks to see what you like best. Good luck, Robert.
Robert, when I set up another tank I am going with that aquaspacelight as well. I have heard some great things about this lighting. A few people have posted that the 150HQI has as much par as a 250 MH, have you heard that?

If you go with a single 400w then you need to lift it so high to cover the 4ft long tank that your will loose most of the intensity. Instead, I would go with 2 x 250w which can be run much lower and so no loss of intensity. I have used the 10k BLV double-ended bulbs for over a year. They look very nice and you can get away without any supplementation.

Barry, I'd imagine being in So. California your pretty ripe for trying those 150'rs. I'd really like em on say a 75g.(21") deep tank. Once sand bed is in place your likely only 18"deep. Imagine you'd still have to keep clams and some sps's up high and put lps's lower. Wonder if Simonh has any info on those bulbs? There really are so many ways to go that will lead to an awesome tank. I'd venture to say that keeping a watchful eye and knowing what your tank inhabitants need is more important than all our equiptment.
Robert, I am setting up another holding tank this coming week. It is a 60 long so it is only 17" deep and with some sand and eggcrate should be up about 8" from the top of the tank.

Robert, the clams are kept under 10K MH before I received them but the light are pretty high above the water line.
Barry, have you used the low profile reefstar from hamilton. They cost about 300.oo for the 250hqi and less for 150hqi. The housing is 161/2L-101/4W. The reflector is dimpled instead of smooth like the aquaspacelight. Also, the ballast is external making the unit alot lighter to hang. Might give that a try in the 150 and just upgrade to a 250 ballast and bulb if need be. Anyway, good luck with your holding tank and I'll check your site for those new clams. What are the Ponape clams costing these days?
I am going to check on those light for sure. This is going to be my 3rd holding tank. I have different lighting on the other 2 tanks. I have heard some good things about these HQI. Was told that the 150HQI had more par then the regular 250MH and less heat. Ofcourse all of my holding tanks are open topped so haven't had much trouble with heat.

I do not get the ponape. All my clams are farmed raised and come from Marshall Islands and Tonga.

Well I have looked at the aquaspace fixture and I was wondering if anyone has used the 2 x 250w HQI 10,000k with 2 x 24w actinincs fixture. It is a little expensive @ $870.00 but it would allow top down viewing and some very intens ligh for SPS and clams. In the end I think this might be a good choice for a tank with the dimentions (I might be off here) 48" long x 24" deep(top to bottom) x 20" front to back. It comes out to 60 gal. If anyone has other options let me know. Also is there anyplace else that sels the auaspce fixtures besides custom aquatics?

Thanks again.
Robert, I looked at their site was unable to locate it. I don't think their site is very easy to get around. :(

Z, check around for best price. Champion lighting sells AB spacelights. Lighting will be the most expensive item for your reef and best to get it right first time. Lots of options out there and it's best to check into as much as possible. Your tank that's 48-24-20" is just under 100 gallons(LxWxH/231) should look great with above lighting and post a pic when it's up and running.