Lights for a 20g Long


New member
I need some advise for a 20g Long for lighting. Im going to set this tank up very very slowly so I have a few months to even get something used. I have a 10g with 96 watts PC. I would like to do something kind of like that. I was thinking of keeping clams this time. ANy suggetions are welcome.
well, if it were me...and since you mentioned clams...i'd go with metal halide. a 150W DE retro would work great for that tank, wouldn't put off too much heat, and can be had brand new for around 200 buck. if you've got time you should be able to find something used for even cheaper then that. you might have better luck finding a 175W SE used, which would work also, altough the SE will give off more heat then the DE...but nothing a fan or 2 can't handle.

Question with the MH. Do I need to have any PC lights also or can I keep the MH on all the time for the lighting (not 24/7 but during the usual lighting cycle). If anyone has any words of wisdom on this would be very helpful. Sorry about the questions but I just read some things on here about lighting nad how the MH can only be on for like 4-5 hours a day. But correct me of Im wrong.
PC lighting is not appropriate for keeping clams. you definitely want to go with a halide setup.

I have a 150w Coralife Advanced HQI HOB light on my 20L and it is fantastic.
Question with the MH. Do I need to have any PC lights also or can I keep the MH on all the time for the lighting (not 24/7 but during the usual lighting cycle). If anyone has any words of wisdom on this would be very helpful. Sorry about the questions but I just read some things on here about lighting nad how the MH can only be on for like 4-5 hours a day. But correct me of Im wrong.

depends on the setup, people run their MH for different times...but you can run the MH as your only light, that's what i do.

here's a good site for different bulbs. the bulbs tested are 250W SE's, but it'll give you an idea what the different temp bulbs look like. if your going to just run an MH by itself i'd go with a 13,000K, 14,000K, or 15,000K bulb...but that's just a personal preference.
Ok What type of clams are you thinking about because with the tank being so shallow you could get away with pc's and a durasea clam as they are a deeper water clam or you could go with t-5 ho. Look around at things before you go with halides as the can crank up your electric bill were as t-5's and pc's not so bad. Just my 2 cents though.
Didnt really think about it making my electric bill expensive. How much will it go up do you think? My new place that Ill have in then fall electric is included so I will be set but I will have to pay my electric sometime :rolleye1:
just get an electric ballast. it's the magnetic driven (older style) ballasts that will really drive your bills up... but even then, i mean, depending on your area, like 10.00 is what we're talking here, not 50.00.

I run a 58 gallon tank with MH, PC, 4 powerheads, pumps, heaters, skimmer and fans, and my bill only went up about 30.00, and i live right near DC.
Thanks for all of the information about the eleectric bill. Im still leaning towards the MH just so I know I have enough light for a clam. Do most of you run extra PCs with the MH. Like the atinics (sp). I saw a light set that had it all in the HM casing for about 200-250 and I was thinking if I didnt get a used light do it that way. It would be clean looking and I was going to hang it from my ceiling. Good or bad?? Can someone tell me the difference between DE and SE when it comes to MH. Are there any other types?
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