<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15312558#post15312558 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bax
If you get back pressure, a good vent on a discharge line is a Y-Tee like one of these two picture here.
My skimmer and all solid return lines drop into the sump out of these to reduce bubbles and alow the drians to vent. Right now I am using 7" socks (as things are still kind of new), but when using 4" socks, I use 4" well screen to hold the socks upright as I have tons of it lying around. When I remember to, I also zip tie the sock to the crook in the Y-Tee so the 4" pipe & socks stay up. But I like your hook thingy too!
I installed the Y-Tees at strategic places - oh my gosh, they are noisy! I heard this gushing sound, and thought I had some type of major leak... looked around the sump - saw nothing. Then placed my hand over the T...and all the noise went away... Bizarre. Not sure how I'm going to silence the noise while keeping the benefit of the Y-Tee. Maybe I'll (literally) "put a sock in it"

Maybe a piece of floss would do it...allow the vent to breath while silencing the waterfall...