Lightsluvr's 340G Upgrade

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Sandy, you know Lightsluvr's got me thinking!

Between this thread and yours all I can do is think about the 375 sitting in my shop!

..... One day! One day!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15316994#post15316994 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by edandsandy

Are you planning to build a platform for the tanks??
If not, you should consider it.

If you need any help just ask away!

Yes, I am going to put the bottom drains on the tanks at the same level as the bottom drain on the Rubbermaid sump...
In fact I might even use cinder blocks, just as I did with the sump... a wood platform would be lighter, though...

Note to EdandSandy:

Sandy -

I am putting the photo of your water change system here as a reminder - so I can decide what plumbing I need to acquire... ;)

The EdnandSandy water system:

For a pump, I will be using a Blueline 40HD-X that currently serves as the return pump on my 180G.

A couple of questions:

1.) Do you use bulkheads on the top of the tanks, or is that some type of grommet for the feed pipe to pass through?
2.) Did you use the drain bulkheads that came with the tanks?
3.) There is a "T" in the drain (lower) pipe. Where does that T go? It obviously gives you the ability to draw water from another source... how are you using it? Maybe I'm just not seeing part of the design...
4.) What is all that plumbing on the suction side of your pump? Does the pump draw from somewhere other than the tanks? Looks like a bunch of pipe that is hidden in the pic.
5.) Is the black panel behind the tank designed to inhibit light, ie. algae growth?

Thanks E & S.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15317427#post15317427 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lightsluvr

A couple of questions:

1.) Do you use bulkheads on the top of the tanks, or is that some type of grommet for the feed pipe to pass through?
2.) Did you use the drain bulkheads that came with the tanks?
3.) There is a "T" in the drain (lower) pipe. Where does that T go? It obviously gives you the ability to draw water from another source... how are you using it? Maybe I'm just not seeing part of the design...
4.) What is all that plumbing on the suction side of your pump? Does the pump draw from somewhere other than the tanks? Looks like a bunch of pipe that is hidden in the pic.
5.) Is the black panel behind the tank designed to inhibit light, ie. algae growth?

Thanks E & S.

LL [/B]

If EdandSandy don't mind, I will answer a couple of the questions.

1: They appear to be compression grommets. There is no need for a bulkhead at the top since the water level is going to be kept below this point, and having the ability to easily pull out the PVC will be a plus.
2: No idea on if they reused them, most of the time, the BH that comes with tanks is set in very well. Some tanks use metal retainers in the BH's though so you may want to look at it. USP uses Hayward's on some of there tanks. Go-To tanks don't include BH's, but will drill the tank for you.
3 And 4 get answered together. The T that is in the middle of the bottom plumbing goes to the return pump. It goes under the little ledge that is built to hold the pump. Starting from the far left I will describe the fittings and there use:
90 to drain the left tank. DUBV to control flow to the Drain 90. T connecting the left tank to the return/drain plumbing. DUBV to control flow from the left tank to the pump. T to the pump. DUBV to control flow from the right tank to the pump. T connecting the right tank to the return/drain plumbing. 90 to move plumbing away from the pump. DUBV controlling draining from the right tank to the final 90 .
5: NO idea, but would guess aesthetics. And as a side benefit less light in the fish room
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15317427#post15317427 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lightsluvr
Note to EdandSandy:

Sandy -

I am putting the photo of your water change system here as a reminder - so I can decide what plumbing I need to acquire... ;)

The EdnandSandy water system:

For a pump, I will be using a Blueline 40HD-X that currently serves as the return pump on my 180G.

A couple of questions:

1.) Do you use bulkheads on the top of the tanks, or is that some type of grommet for the feed pipe to pass through?
2.) Did you use the drain bulkheads that came with the tanks?
3.) There is a "T" in the drain (lower) pipe. Where does that T go? It obviously gives you the ability to draw water from another source... how are you using it? Maybe I'm just not seeing part of the design...
4.) What is all that plumbing on the suction side of your pump? Does the pump draw from somewhere other than the tanks? Looks like a bunch of pipe that is hidden in the pic.
5.) Is the black panel behind the tank designed to inhibit light, ie. algae growth?

Thanks E & S.


1 - they are bulk head fittings...
2 -Yes
3/4 - The T on the bottom goes to the intake on the pump. The
plan was to have the ability to pull water from either or
both tanks at the same time... The two valves closest to
the T control which tank (or both) to pull from and the out
side two valves are simply for draining to a bucket or the
floor drain.. The plumbing that is hidden in a very short
piece to pops out below the pump intake....
5-The doors behind the RO tanks face East and we get lots of
light - the black is window tinting to block the light! It works!
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15321345#post15321345 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by edandsandy

3/4 - The T on the bottom goes to the intake on the pump. The
plan was to have the ability to pull water from either or
both tanks at the same time... The two valves closest to
the T control which tank (or both) to pull from and the out
side two valves are simply for draining to a bucket or the
floor drain.. The plumbing that is hidden in a very short
piece to pops out below the pump intake....

I understand - that makes complete sense. The drain is an optical illusion (my old man's eyes) - looked like it went to the pump suction...I see it now.

I got my RO/DI system installed this afternoon. It's making water and will work continuously - hopefully we won't pop a tubing connection in the middle of the night and flood the fish room...I did leave a water alarm on the floor under the filter...

Thanks again Sandy.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15319835#post15319835 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by VegasReefer
If EdandSandy don't mind, I will answer a couple of the questions.

Go-To tanks don't include BH's, but will drill the tank for you.


Thanks for the reply - I bought my tanks from Go-To-Tanks, and they came with 1" bulkheads... I have Haywards in my CL, and they don't look like Haywards... more like Savco or similar.

What an awesome tank built thread this has been. If anyone wants to build a large system, this is the thread to read.

Unbelievable amount of detail to this build from every aspect.

Let me know when the big dog has water, sand and rock...I will swing by to check it out, and be very jealious.
Makin' water...

Makin' water...

I installed our RO/DI filter in the fish room yesterday, conveniently located near the dual water tanks that will be the center of our water exchange system:

The funny "squiggles" on the wall is a reflection of saltwater in the Rubbermaid sump!

I will start working on the water system after the tank move is done. When complete, RO/DI water will be stored in tank #1, where I can fill 5 gallon jugs or pump it into tank #2.
In Tank #2, saltwater can be mixed and circulated constantly until ready to be pumped directly into the Rubbermaid sump for a "dry hands" water change. All this done with one pump and lots of PVC valves! ;) (the edandsandy system described above)

Here is a close-up of the RO/DI filter modified with two vertically mounted RO/DI canisters:

I made about 40G RO/DI overnight - a lot more to go... :eek:

Thanks again for reading our build thread. Please leave a comment to let us know you were here...

Congrats George,

No leaks and salt in the sump....

Finally getting to have some fun.

Anything you need this weekend, just call.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15323594#post15323594 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lytehouse
Congrats George,

No leaks and salt in the sump....

Finally getting to have some fun.

Anything you need this weekend, just call.

I'm taking Friday and Monday off to get this puppy done... four straight days ought to do it...

Greg C is loaning me a RO/DI unit so I can start making SW in double time!

I'm sure I would be amenable to helping hands and good counsel... ;)

I've been away from the boards for a while so I just saw your thread. Did a quick skim - I'll definitely be going through the whole thing page by page! Congratulations on an amazing build thread!!! You've obviously put a lot of planning into your project - not to mention the work. :eek1:

Love the size of your fishroom, love the double sump setup, love the attention to detail. Can't believe the amount of work you put into the whole thing.

I'm subscribed.


Thanks, Tom.

I appreciate the compliment...some of the ideas might look familiar: they were pilfered from you... :D

Glad you're tagging along - feel free to jump in with comments as you go through the thread.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15321663#post15321663 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lightsluvr

Thanks for the reply - I bought my tanks from Go-To-Tanks, and they came with 1" bulkheads... I have Haywards in my CL, and they don't look like Haywards... more like Savco or similar.


I had bought Pallet tanks from them before, they didn't come with any fittings ( even the top cover was extra ), but they where 1/2 the price of anyone else's delivered, so wasn't a big deal. I just figured they did everything Al a Carte. BTW 1/2 the price, but all the construction.
Wow that took a long time to post.. Logged out of the computer and it looks like it paused the post till I logged back in. Move that post to right below the one I quoted =)
Im thinking a select party at Georges for the first fish to be added.

Ill bring the champagne !

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15325711#post15325711 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pwhitby
Im thinking a select party at Georges for the first fish to be added.

Ill bring the champagne !


Better start icing down the bubbly... :D

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