Lightstick Placement


New member
Heres our lightrack my husband made. My concern is that the lightstick wont look right when it is in place. Right now its in the middle of the back rail. We placed it there because anywhere else we were afraid of the MH's being to hot for it. What do you think ? We were also thinking of mounting it on that middle bar inbetween the 2 MH Reflectors. LMK what you think would be best please :)


Looking at the lamp fixture,, you have it in the only place possible really, although I would suggest putting it the other side so it does not get so much wash out from the T5.

Best advise i can offer really
Ok im gonna be using it for sunrise sunset and lightning storms. When it hits 100% the VHO's will then be on. Then ill have them off when the vho's and MH's are on