

New member
I just noticed my local walmart has their remaining stock of MRS. WAGES PICKLING LIME marked down to $1.00 a pound jar. No special sticker, but the price check scanner registers one dollar.
End of Pickle season sale.
pickling lime

pickling lime

Thanks for the tip. I just bought the alst 4 cans at our Walmart for $1.00 each.
Where in the Wal-Mart did you find it? Im probably going to go look tonight and buy any we have here at the Dover one or the Super wal-mart in Camden.
it's in the housewares section, with the canning supplies. Not where I would have expected. I looked first in the food section.
Bringing this thread back. So you use pickling lime like kalk water? Do you mix it up and use it for a top off? I haerd to will make your coralline algae grow like crazy! Any suggestions on using it? I am new to the whole additives, just want some good coralline growth, especially on a BB fowlr. Thanks everyone.
If you read the active ingredents of Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime it reads exactly the same as kalkwasser... 100% identical. Never used it before but I know chemically they are identical.
Mrs. Wages Picling lime is HUMAN FOOD GRADE Kalwasser. lime, calcium hydroxide. use it just like Kalc, because it is. mix a couple teaspoons in 5 gallons of RO water, mix, let settle an hour, then syphon the crud off the bottom. the clear upper water is very high PH and saturated with calcium. use that in a drip for make up water, but watdh your PH closely.
So two teaspoons per 5g, (I don't have an RO unit yet, maybe someday) and get all the solids left on the bottom, let settle for a while. Then slowly drip add it to the tank, but the pH could go up? So is this compareable to a Ca part of a two part solution? I was thinking about using the Ca part in a two part solution to get some coralline build up, being my tank is bare bottom and ugly. Thanks for the replys everyone.
The PH of Kalk is 11-14 i believe.. cant quite remember its been awhile since iv used it but its pretty damn high keep it off your hands lol...

You should really do both parts of the 2 part reciepe... I think doing 1 and not the other will through that other WAY off.
Well this will be in a FOWLR, I just really care about coralline algae, I don't have any corals though, so not much of a need for alk?