what inverts, if any, can i put in with a lionfish? i already have a small choc. chip star, but not my lionfish yet. i was thinking of getting a bubble tip anenome in the future. any other suggestions?
The star is most likely safe from the lion, but it may pose a threat to the anenome--they are predators. The anenome will be more of a threat to a lion than the lion a threat to it--they only go after mobile critters like crabs, shrimp and fish.
Please do lots of research on anenomes before getting one. They require specific care, and their needs can't always be met with large predators in the tank.
i agree on the anemone i had a small condy which my dwarf zera got in a tangle with in the end the lion lost i got rid of the anemone and got another dwarf zebra which is doing very well you can keep stars , hermits , snails as for shrimp and other crabs they would be a nice treat for the lion
I have a 125, and i once had a big maroon clown in there with a bubble tip, and a volitan lion in there, which was about 8inches, they did fine. But the anemone never moved from it's spot so there was no roaming issues
I have 2 emeralds and a few hermits with my lion. The other day one stupid emerald looked like he was squaring off with the lion. The lion didn't seem to care but I though he was going to pinched in the rear end then turn around and have crab for dinner.
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