Local advice on a topoff/kalk system?


New member
I really need to get a topoff system/kalk delivery system set up on my tank, but I'm a little foggy on the best approach. I've been perusing several threads on RC and some of the linked websites that specialize in topoffs, but I still get crossed up on doing the combo of kalk and auto topoff as one and the same. I also need to be as budget concious as possible with this. Can anyone here give me some detailed advice/guidance in both equipment and setup? (not just, "Go to autotopoff.com and look there") I would like some personal experiences if possible. thanks
kalk reactor and auto-off

kalk reactors there are stir bars and pump driven to stir the kalk

dilivery to the reactor has to be slow from the top off source

you can use an extension cord connected to a float switch to activate a mini pump to pump in the kalk reactor (basic) than you can add a relay, another power supply, and another float valve

there is some expensive ones or just buy a dosing pump

i am sorry there isnt much to them

how much does the water drop in the sump - where the pump is
Do you have a fish room or place for a large water resevoir? If so go with a premade kalk resevoir in a 32 g or 50 g brute. You get a little bit purer kalkwasser if you have room for something like that. If not go with what Chad said.
I don't think i'm going to be able to afford a reactor. And not totally sure about how the dosing pump works. This is what I'm talking about...I can't just buy a piece of equipment and magically know how it works. I need some specific explanation on how the parts go together. I don't know if I just need to look at someone's setup or if someone can explain it to me clearly or what. I do know I can't be plopping anywhere near $200 down for an auto topoff/kalk delivery setup.

As far as how much water I'm losing, I have not been able to narrow down the amount specifically. I think it's around 3 gallons a day, but it hasn't been working like I would expect. On days when I would not expect alot of evap, days where my home heater isn't running alot and the humidity is high, it evaps alot. On days where my home heater runs more and the air is very dry, I have less evap. Doesn't make sense. At any rate, I believe it's around 3 gallons per day, give or take a gallon. I usually put topoff water in in the early morning when I'm leaving for work (around 4 a.m.), again when I get home (around 2 pm), and then again before bed (anywhere from 9 - 10 pm). I'm wondering that since I add water at various times of the day if I couldn't just add the kalk that way? Wouldn't help me much on days I'm not home though.
Doc, I have a 32 gal brut in there right now, I just wasn't sure about hooking something that big up to my system and risking some sort of mechanical failure and flooding. I also use it for mixing water change water.
I have a tsunami at1

it is a box that runs off of the vacuum of the water drop

than turns on a the socket (supply your own pump)

I want to say under 50.00 if I remember right or less that is for ATO

get a bucket and add a drain and a hose for kalk and a valve and let it drip in the tank (that is the cheapest ATO with kalk but be warned that the valve will clog


i havent hooked it up yet might be moving
Shooter 7, if you have a sump then the 10gal (2 5 gal bucket), 3 float valves will work for you.(total cost $20-25)
the first bucket with a float valve receive water from your water filter, in this bucket hook up a pump (small $10) with timer stir kalk one or two times 15 min. each in 24hrs.
the second bucket at lower point with a float valve to receive clear kalk water from the first bucket, (make the the dischage line a bout 1" lower from the max water line of the first bucket) the from the 2rd bucket put a line to your sump with float valve, there you go auto top off.
good luck.