I don't think i'm going to be able to afford a reactor. And not totally sure about how the dosing pump works. This is what I'm talking about...I can't just buy a piece of equipment and magically know how it works. I need some specific explanation on how the parts go together. I don't know if I just need to look at someone's setup or if someone can explain it to me clearly or what. I do know I can't be plopping anywhere near $200 down for an auto topoff/kalk delivery setup.
As far as how much water I'm losing, I have not been able to narrow down the amount specifically. I think it's around 3 gallons a day, but it hasn't been working like I would expect. On days when I would not expect alot of evap, days where my home heater isn't running alot and the humidity is high, it evaps alot. On days where my home heater runs more and the air is very dry, I have less evap. Doesn't make sense. At any rate, I believe it's around 3 gallons per day, give or take a gallon. I usually put topoff water in in the early morning when I'm leaving for work (around 4 a.m.), again when I get home (around 2 pm), and then again before bed (anywhere from 9 - 10 pm). I'm wondering that since I add water at various times of the day if I couldn't just add the kalk that way? Wouldn't help me much on days I'm not home though.