Local stores/home businesses

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New member
I'm not sure if the forum rules allow it to be posted, but is there any chance mod's would allow a stickied post that will have a list with info of all local shops as well as legit licensed home businesses? I know we have quite a few places that are commonplace, but there are a few less known places in the area and at least a couple people that run a small business selling corals outside of their houses. If it can't be stickied would it be against the rules if I made a post listing all of these shops and we could just bump it up at least every month or so for new reefers? Sponsors would obviously be listed first because the events simply wouldn't be possible without them and that's only fair. :fish2:
Honestly I think on this form it would not be a good place. I say this because this is a club form and we rely on our sponsors. If we start to advertise other places we would be doing the sponsors a diss service and they may even think why am I a sponsor if I can still have my shop listed in a sticky or bumped post. This could potentially cause the club money / give aways / etc...
Hey hoohoo maybe someone could reach out to these small business and get donations to the club for listing them here.
I see zero problem with it, but not my call. People are going to gravitate towards our sponsors for a reason.

Outside of one guy selling corals from his house, not sure I'd give others much of a look. Let's put it this way, I'd love more than anything to support sponsors, but have spent a ton over the last month on high end sps that I haven't found local.

Post it up and let people decide. Do they want fish out of a garage or ones out of a qt eating all kinds of food.
A few things to think about

1. The club and its sponsors have a relationship that benefits club members amd the stores. Why endanger that?

2. A ton of people (not all, but the vast majority) selling out of their homes and garage do so illegally. Why would the club risk promoting illegal actions?

3. There was an old thread on here somewhere where someone created a map of most of the fish/pet stores in the area. So a lot of the info is out there if the thread can be found.

4. A lot of people selling out of their homes are active here on RC. If they suddenly get outed as "commercial" they could risk getting banned if RC determines they are promoting their business in any way.

Anyway, that's my 2 cemts. Carry on.
While I am a huge supporter of Faois and Sea life (both sponsors). I've seen others mentioned numerous time who are not sponsors and I think to be very reputable shops.
It could happen anywhere and it happens all the time, all Im saying, not bashing especially not a sponsor.
Hey hoohoo maybe someone could reach out to these small business and get donations to the club for listing them here.

I think that's a great idea! Even though I'm not a paid member of the community, I enjoy the hobby quite a bit and I do mention the forums to the shop owners when I go into a new store. Actually it's one of the first things Cole from Sea Life and I talked about the first time that I went in the store before he was actually even open. I told him that we have a great community here and the people are very active with helping others and that we would benefit from his support. I've also had a chat with Tim from A Tropical about being involved with the forums back when he first opened although his plate was very full and I don't think he wanted to take on anymore at that moment. I'll bring it back up to him next time I see him.

Thanks for the suggestion
I think that's a great idea! Even though I'm not a paid member of the community...

^^^Here's a big part of the problem. Club membership is lacking yet there are dozens of people trying to dictate policy. Join up and voice your opinion at the meetings. You'll get a gift cert to your favorite sponsor's LFS and the opportunity to discuss the club's direction.

Here's part of the problem with this thread's suggestion. Promoting garage sellers and unlicensed sellers:
- Violates state and federal wildlife laws which are not simply there to generate revenue. Laws pertaining to wildlife help to ensure that potentially invasive species are transported and housed appropriately and potentially lethal species are handled safely. (see palytoxin exposure, and the lionfish invasion for starters). Nobody seems to pay attention to the fact that trade in the animals we keep is internationally regulated.
- Violates state and federal tax code. Sales and income tax are a necessary evil. Like it or not, you can't expect the licensed LFS to carry that burden while you get a tax cheat.
- Violates state and local business and zoning laws. Your neighbors or HOA may not appreciate all the traffic after work and on weekends.
- Reduces your favorite LFS's ability to pay the electric bills and keep the variety that you not only expect, but demand. This doesn't just apply to common undercutting of LFS prices, but also the lack of taxes the seller has and lack of accountability which give additional advantage to the illegal seller. All those shelves of product that you want to pick up on the fly cost a lot of money to acquire.

John's post isn't showing, so I'll take the risk and burden of being the unpopular one. Before I get criticized for being defensive with these comments, please realize that I've invested every weekend for over two years to build the retail aspect of my store to the point where I'm even turning a small profit, even as a club sponsor with a loyal following. Let that sink in for a minute. We have many people who bring in overgrowth to trade and we appreciate the opportunity to acquire LE specimens that they have been successful with and who need an outlet for their successes. These are often colors or species that are very rare in imports. But when I see people who routinely sell livestock without any kind of accountability whining about even the aquaculture cert, it really strikes a nerve. So, no I don't believe they should be allowed to be promoted on this or any club affiliated site.
While I am a huge supporter of Faois and Sea life (both sponsors). I've seen others mentioned numerous time who are not sponsors and I think to be very reputable shops.
Ive noticed this several times as well. I dont see a composed list any different than a bunch of random threads listing places to go for coral/fish.
A few things to think about

1. The club and its sponsors have a relationship that benefits club members amd the stores. Why endanger that?

I do understand that and that is why if this were to happen sponsors would be listed first as stated in the post.

2. A ton of people (not all, but the vast majority) selling out of their homes and garage do so illegally. Why would the club risk promoting illegal actions?

This is exactly why I said "legit licensed home businesses"

3. There was an old thread on here somewhere where someone created a map of most of the fish/pet stores in the area. So a lot of the info is out there if the thread can be found.

I do recall seeing that once a while ago now that you mentioned it. Maybe that post could even be resurrected.

4. A lot of people selling out of their homes are active here on RC. If they suddenly get outed as "commercial" they could risk getting banned if RC determines they are promoting their business in any way.

That would only be if they are promoting their own business correct?
^^^Here's a big part of the problem. Club membership is lacking yet there are dozens of people trying to dictate policy. Join up and voice your opinion at the meetings. You'll get a gift cert to your favorite sponsor's LFS and the opportunity to discuss the club's direction.

I'm very sorry that my limited budget doesn't suit the clubs needs. Who here is trying to dictate the club policy? I was asking a question to see if it "was" against the policy so I didn't put up a post that would be against forum rules. That is FAR from dictating... In fact, it's the opposite.

Here's part of the problem with this thread's suggestion. Promoting garage sellers and unlicensed sellers:
- Violates state and federal wildlife laws which are not simply there to generate revenue. Laws pertaining to wildlife help to ensure that potentially invasive species are transported and housed appropriately and potentially lethal species are handled safely. (see palytoxin exposure, and the lionfish invasion for starters). Nobody seems to pay attention to the fact that trade in the animals we keep is internationally regulated.
- Violates state and federal tax code. Sales and income tax are a necessary evil. Like it or not, you can't expect the licensed LFS to carry that burden while you get a tax cheat.
- Violates state and local business and zoning laws. Your neighbors or HOA may not appreciate all the traffic after work and on weekends.
- Reduces your favorite LFS's ability to pay the electric bills and keep the variety that you not only expect, but demand. This doesn't just apply to common undercutting of LFS prices, but also the lack of taxes the seller has and lack of accountability which give additional advantage to the illegal seller. All those shelves of product that you want to pick up on the fly cost a lot of money to acquire.

Did you even read my post? I specifically said "legit, licensed garage sellers" There is nothing illegal about licenced garage sellers, unless I am mistaken.

Before I get criticized for being defensive with these comments, please realize that I've invested every weekend for over two years to build the retail aspect of my store to the point where I'm even turning a small profit, even as a club sponsor with a loyal following. Let that sink in for a minute. We have many people who bring in overgrowth to trade and we appreciate the opportunity to acquire LE specimens that they have been successful with and who need an outlet for their successes. These are often colors or species that are very rare in imports. But when I see people who routinely sell livestock without any kind of accountability whining about even the aquaculture cert, it really strikes a nerve. So, no I don't believe they should be allowed to be promoted on this or any club affiliated site.

Part of this is the kind of response that I could expect to see and your point of view obviously makes perfect sense, thanks for the input. Obviously everyone is in business to make money, nobody opens a business to throw money away. I did mention licenced sellers, not your average Joe selling his personal livestock out of his house. I don't know how that would be checked upon, but that's why I started a post like this and didn't simply list a bunch of shops and home sellers.
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