Local stores/home businesses

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hoohoohdillyo, my post wasn't meant as a direct response to youbso relax a little. It was merely my thoughts on the idea in general. It's not like this same issue hasn't been raised multiple times in multiple versions in years past.
Yes, you stated "legal" garage sellers. However, to my knowledge that constitutes only 2 people that I know about, and even their legal standing is just an educated guess on my part.

As for sponsors, one of the primary benefits they have is the listing here on RC. Just putting them in a sticky post one line or so above a list of all the fish stores and garage sellers in the area doesn't seem like much of a benefit for them.
As for sponsors, one of the primary benefits they have is the listing here on RC. Just putting them in a sticky post one line or so above a list of all the fish stores and garage sellers in the area doesn't seem like much of a benefit for them.

Agreed. I would consider such a list a violation of the current club/sponsor agreement.
hoohoohdillyo, my post wasn't meant as a direct response to youbso relax a little. It was merely my thoughts on the idea in general. It's not like this same issue hasn't been raised multiple times in multiple versions in years past.

Relax a little? I broke up each part of your response and commented on it, I don't think I made any implication that I was being confrontational.
I hadn't realized a similar post was brought up before, I was just bringing a simple question that a few other forum members and I have talked about in the past face to face.

Yes, you stated "legal" garage sellers. However, to my knowledge that constitutes only 2 people that I know about, and even their legal standing is just an educated guess on my part.

I really didn't think there would be too many legit garage sellers, but I am all for a business starting small and working their way up if they are doing it legally.

As for sponsors, one of the primary benefits they have is the listing here on RC. Just putting them in a sticky post one line or so above a list of all the fish stores and garage sellers in the area doesn't seem like much of a benefit for them.

Very good point, I personally didn't see it as an issue and I know of at least a few others that had talked about this before that had questions if it would be good to spread the word of a few of the less known places on here. I didn't know who I should PM a question like this so I figured this would be acceptable to post as it will disappear in a couple weeks anyway.
Agreed. I would consider such a list a violation of the current club/sponsor agreement.

That alone is a great reason to not make a post like this and I would have requested a mod to close the thread due to that alone. I do think this would have been a better first response as I didn't intend to start any drama nor have bickering or bad talk of any of the local stores.

I enjoy going to all of the local spots and frequently take a small road trip with a couple friends also involved in the forum to visit a good list of them, if nothing else to simply say hi and gawk at a bunch of corals that don't fit my budget.

Thank you, the conclusion is obviously that it would be a bad idea because it would violate the agreements for our sponsors. There was a bit of drama brought into the post and to be honest it wasn't needed.

At this point there is no reason to keep this post up so MOD's please close. Thanks
hoohoo, maybe you should run for one of the board positions. I don't know how long you've been around, but the TBRC is a fraction of the size/participation of what it used to be. The current regime isn't in favor of expanding sponsorship, so you can see you're getting roasted a bit. It's always good to bring fresh ideas. I'm pretty sure you don't have bad intentions of supporting illegal activites.

On the garage-shop thought, I believe one of the club sponsors no longer has a storefront. So would they feel that is now a garage shop?

Like any other line of work, the good stores will last & shouldn't worry about 'competition'. If you read the boards, people will make a 1 hr+ drive for good healthy livestock.

Here's the thread mentioned earlier that was being updated at one point: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2255515. I think it comes in handy if there was an up to date list. A lot of out of towners try to hunt one down.
There is a sticky note that lists the Board members.....perhaps questions could be brought to any of us via PM?
It would be wise to attend meetings and know the criteria for running for a Board position. There are requirements regarding meeting attendance and membership and new ideas are always encouraged at our meetings each month.
Agreed. I would consider such a list a violation of the current club/sponsor agreement.

Hoohoo, sorry i couldnt get to this post faster, but as Ichthy and Postal said, the main reason is that such a post would be in violation of the club/sponsor agreement. :deadhorse:

It's unfortunate that this post got so heated.

But thanks for recommending ideas! i dont think your intentions were ill willed and new ideas are always listened to with open ears.

but if you have any other ideas or if you still want to discuss this topic, you are more than welcome to PM me or come to a meeting! :)

Best regards,

I don't know how long you've been around, but the TBRC is a fraction of the size/participation of what it used to be. The current regime isn't in favor of expanding sponsorship, so you can see you're getting roasted a bit. It's always good to bring fresh ideas. I'm pretty sure you don't have bad intentions of supporting illegal activites.

On the garage-shop thought, I believe one of the club sponsors no longer has a storefront. So would they feel that is now a garage shop?

Patrick, if you have concerns about the club being run like a "regime" or if you would like to discuss what you said above, please PM me or come to the next meeting and I will gladly listen to your concerns.


hoohoo, maybe you should run for one of the board positions. I don't know how long you've been around, but the TBRC is a fraction of the size/participation of what it used to be. The current regime isn't in favor of expanding sponsorship, so you can see you're getting roasted a bit. It's always good to bring fresh ideas. I'm pretty sure you don't have bad intentions of supporting illegal activites.

Patrick, why don't you run for a board position? You obviously have plenty of advice to offer the club, but you prefer to snipe from the sidelines rather than an actually making an effort to support the club. And I'm not sure why you think club membership is a fraction of what it used to be. Membership is higher this year than last, which was higher than the year before. Is it as high as when I first joined the club 8 years ago? No, but it certainly is more than a fraction. As for participation, that's a hilarious comment from someone that has never run for a board position despite being in the club for years and always having something to say about how the club should be run. But you are right to some degree, not that participation is down, but that it has always been a problem for the TBRC from way before my time (from talking to people that were part of it) through my time on the Board as well as currently. There has always been just a very tiny number of individuals that are willing to step forward and actually put forth the effort required to keep the club going. I have been in this club for 8 years, and for 6 of those years every Board position was elected without opposition. Why? Because while everyone has a opinion, no one wants to take the time out of the life to actually do anything. So obviously "lack of participation" is nothing new for this club.

On the garage-shop thought, I believe one of the club sponsors no longer has a storefront. So would they feel that is now a garage shop?

This is actually a question that Board should address, but to the best of my knowledge, the sponsor in question still has all the necessary licensing and thus there is no reason to end a sponsorship agreement prematurely. I'm sure the BOD will address any issues with sponsors old and new for 2016.

Like any other line of work, the good stores will last & shouldn't worry about 'competition'. If you read the boards, people will make a 1 hr+ drive for good healthy livestock.

Here's the thread mentioned earlier that was being updated at one point: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2255515. I think it comes in handy if there was an up to date list. A lot of out of towners try to hunt one down.

Thanks for bumping it

I'm sure I'll see you at the next frag auction, Patrick, since that seems to be the only time you "participate" in the TBRC.

All opinions expressed above are solely those of a long-time club member and do not represent the view of the BOD (although they might) :lol2:
All opinions expressed above are solely those of a long-time club member and do not represent the view of the BOD (although they might) :lol2:[/COLOR]

OMG, do you have any idea how much diet Mountain Dew burns when it shoots out one's nose?!? Warn me next time.:rollface:
Or mountain dew in general. I'm probably not the person to say this as I've only participated in 2 maybe 3 meetings but I just feel this question could have been answered with a simple yes or no instead of this drawn out nonsense.
Geesh, let's all bash me at the same time. So much for me speaking from a neutral club member perspective on this thread. I've never bashed the club or leadership, so what gives?
Patrick, if you have concerns about the club being run like a "regime" or if you would like to discuss what you said above, please PM me or come to the next meeting and I will gladly listen to your concerns.



Regime is a term. I certainly did not bash the leadership Nelson.
Patrick, why don't you run for a board position? You obviously have plenty of advice to offer the club, but you prefer to snipe from the sidelines rather than an actually making an effort to support the club. And I'm not sure why you think club membership is a fraction of what it used to be. Membership is higher this year than last, which was higher than the year before. Is it as high as when I first joined the club 8 years ago? No, but it certainly is more than a fraction. As for participation, that's a hilarious comment from someone that has never run for a board position despite being in the club for years and always having something to say about how the club should be run. But you are right to some degree, not that participation is down, but that it has always been a problem for the TBRC from way before my time (from talking to people that were part of it) through my time on the Board as well as currently. There has always been just a very tiny number of individuals that are willing to step forward and actually put forth the effort required to keep the club going. I have been in this club for 8 years, and for 6 of those years every Board position was elected without opposition. Why? Because while everyone has a opinion, no one wants to take the time out of the life to actually do anything. So obviously "lack of participation" is nothing new for this club.

Maybe my point is misread. The board has made it a full time job. I don't know what the membership count is, but that's the perspective I was shooting for.

As for running for a board position, I was going to put some time away for it a few years ago but it didn't work out. I literally work 3 jobs now & picked up an additional hobby, so I'm far from a reefing hobbyist like I once was.

Thanks for bumping it
Cmon, it wasn't a real bump. Not to mention there's nothing on that thread & the OP has a dead link.

I'm sure I'll see you at the next frag auction, Patrick, since that seems to be the only time you "participate" in the TBRC..

For real? I won't take that as a bash; I'll give it a pass. Check my meeting attendance. There is definitely no pattern based on it being a frag event. I rarely have time to attend a meeting. I'll still gladly be a paid member to show the club my support, even though it might be in a direction of my liking. If you think people just come to frag auctions, cancel them altogether so people just go to the sponsors. It won't change my meeting attendance.

I've got no personal hate/disliking for anybody in the club. It seems like I'm being outed for whatever reason. I thought the new club wasn't going to be political & back to being just a club/hang out with fellow reefers...
Pugcrush- I think what you might be missing here is that your choice of word "regime" appears to "bash" the club's leadership. If you check the Oxford dictionary definition of regime you get :

1. A government, especially an authoritarian one.

2. A system or planned way of doing things, especially one imposed from above.

Had you used a different word choice ie: The current Board of Directors isn't in favor of expanding sponsorship.

I think that would have been a less inflammatory statement.

You appear to be insinuating that the leadership has not taken the club in the direction that club members want. When posting in a forum, I think people often read between the lines and take things out of context or misinterpret intent. Personally, I prefer conversation in person. It leaves less up to speculation.

I think the point to be made here has been stated several times. The club is being run by an elected Board of Directors. If the membership wants the club to be run and/or sponsorship to be handled differently, you and others should take the initiative to become part of the next Board. If you do not desire a position, find another way to be active in the club to support the club and board.

This all reminds me how many people in the great nation of ours grumble about the direction our country is going. Yet, they do not take the time to become active in our government by being part of the process of selecting our leaders.

If you are not a member of the club, but have opinions about how the club and forum should be run, JOIN THE CLUB.

As you will note, I post here rarely. As one half an owner of an LFS, I read forums in order to keep up with what hobbyists are talking about. I do tire of the confrontations I read and felt compelled to jump in this time.

Best to all of you and Happy Reefing!
The word "regime" typically carries with it the meaning of authoritarian rule which is also only popular within a certain subset. That term coupled with the context of the remaining post did not appear to be neutral nor supportive of the current volunteer and duly elected BoD of TBRC. Like it or not, words have meanings and can convey negativity even if none was intended.

Darn! Not only did Mrs.Ichthy beat me to the post she also said it better than I. That's what I get for trying to post while mowing the lawn.
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