Lone predator tank


New member
I want to set up a 29 gallon aquarium with a lone predator fish. I have and am currently keeping freshwater puffers (red eye red tail). Now that i am getting into saltwater i was wondering what would my options be. I have see mixed information about dwarf lionfish, Valentina puffers, and camel cowfish. Do any of these fish work in a solo 29 or are there other options that would be better suited?

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Wartskin anglers only get about 4", I have one in a bc29. They are a very specialized fish and takes a certain type of person to fully appreciate them. So if you are interested do your research, and I would be happy to answer any questions. I've even kept the larger painted anglers which get about 6" in a 29, they don't need alot of swimming space, mostly a cave and some places to perch.

I have 3 dwarf lions and an antennata in a 90g and they are much more social than people know and enjoy being with others. They would also do better in a larger tank than a 29.
Wartskin anglers only get about 4", I have one in a bc29. They are a very specialized fish and takes a certain type of person to fully appreciate them. So if you are interested do your research, and I would be happy to answer any questions. I've even kept the larger painted anglers which get about 6" in a 29, they don't need alot of swimming space, mostly a cave and some places to perch.

I have 3 dwarf lions and an antennata in a 90g and they are much more social than people know and enjoy being with others. They would also do better in a larger tank than a 29.
After looking into the warskin i dont think that would be responsible simply because they are alot of money. I would like one just because they are very interesting looking.

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Was just curious why no one brought up the Valentini Toby... if that's what was meant by Valentina puffer. I love tobies but they need constant feeding :/
After looking into the warskin i dont think that would be responsible simply because they are alot of money. I would like one just because they are very interesting looking.

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They can be a bit less expensive

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