Looking at developing iOS & Android app

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We'll i've been doing some research on the availability on applications for our mobile devices, There is one iOS but nothing for android or windows phone.

I'm thinking i might fill that gap and deliver a service which will allow you to monitor your tank from a mobile phone.

Would you use the app? What would you like to be able todo with the app? Just probing for ideas and would be good to see what your expectations and what would make the app worth while.

At the moment i've developed a basic API which is connecting to my profilux computer and grabbing all the information storing it in a database offsite.

I would start out with a read-only app and once that is robust i'd like to move into being able to control devices, If anyone would like to provide GUEST access just to read different data sets your help would be much appreciated with the development.
Its always great to have more and more people offering appa. If you go to the GHL support forum there is a link for thiurd party software development, from there you can get lots of help from GHL in your development.

Lots of people I know for a fact will jump on any new app of access point.

Try and stear clear of any APP that requires you to log onto a remote server somewhere this has always been the complaint about another one that was launched, people do not like having their systems info sitting on a third part server, try and develop it direvtly from the GHL webserver.
Agreed with what Michael said.
I didn't buy the current app on IOS because it requires me to make a user account and dump my information on another server. If that server is down, there's nothing I can do about it.
Good luck and can't wait to see it!

Starts with the basic like you are right now.
-Monitor/control all switches
-Monitor/Control all probes setting
-Monitor/Control all lighting
-Message will pop up from the app if Alarm is trigger
-Plot of all probes reading
-Live web cam
Personally something really simple that let's me know if temp goes out of range on my smart phone (email or text) when I am not home would be perfect. I'd like to find a controller too that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars. I can't see spending so much money since I already have and do on the tank, so I do without.
The Android app development (so far) has also gone quite well for me. So far the app connects directly to your GHL computer, gets your switch information and status then gives you the ability to enable/disable them as you please.



P.S: For anyone who doesn't know, thats an Android OS emulator ;)
We'll here it is, Beta 1..

Its only for TEST purposes as its very early stages yet, However in this build i've disabled switch names and current on the socket as there are a few performance issues im unhappy with that i need to work on.

  • Android Phone with minimum OS 2.1
  • Network access (internet/local)
  • Know the IP of your GHL computer

Important things to note
  • When using the settings page, there is no error checking so invalid inputs such as spaces in the ip field will cause it to crash
  • App may run slow at times
  • Please give your feedback :D
  • If the app is crashing on startup please provide your RSS file so i can ensure its not that crashing it, This file can be found at http://insertyourprofiluxiphere/status.rss ; you can either pm it to me, or email it to development@myprofilux.com

As this isn't a final release you will need to enable your phone to accept applications from "Unknown Sources", This option is found under Settings > Applications and tick "Unknown Sources"

The magic app file: http://www.myprofilux.com/android/myProfilux-v1.0.apk


The app may randomly crash, this is expected as i work on fixing various things. But if you find something you consider major, Please DONT report it here, Please go to my bugtracker that i've setup at http://myprofilux.com/bugtracker/login_select_proj_page.php?ref=bug_report_page.php

username: bugreport
password: bugreport

If you want to have more of a personal touch and receive emails as bugs are fixed; Feel free to signup :)


Note: I will try to fix bugs as quick as i can! If you want to donate to the project please do, it will cover my costs so far (hosting, domain, android ph etc) it will also mean im able to focus more on the app than other income work ;) You can easily donate via by visiting this link -> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=PWGKNWUGHPJ4L
:spin1:IPhone IPhone IPhone:spin1:

Shortly :bounce3:, Once Android is done :) Im a single man army haha


Thanks all for people who have opened bug trackers and emailed me RSS files & downloaded the app, During the development i was unable to get my hands on other peoples RSS files so i couldn't test it.

However thanks to Mark and Maarten (from aquariumcomputer) i've been able to get another 2 RSS files which i've tested and have now got it all working :D

  • I've disabled the fancy listview on the overview tab as was causing a bit of hassle and needs a re-write, a more plain version is shown
  • Rewrote how the application reads & handles rss files with multipul temperatures/ph/redox/conduct probes
  • Fixed an issue causing the switch handler to crash after too many switches
  • Fixed an issue causing black screen after saving settings (thanks bugreporter)
  • Fixed an issue causing all overview data to be null (thanks bugreporter & forum posts)

Instead of using the given username/password; It would be better to signup so you receive an email once the bug has been fixed :) however, i will still leave that login available.

Please download v1.1 from http://www.myprofilux.com/android/myProfilux-v1.1.apk


Happy testing!
I'm so following this! If you can make it so I never have to use the GHL software you will be my hero! I'm in the Iphone camp as well!
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