Just to put a little fun into this thread
I have to ask Just for laughs
What is the huge rush for an APP? Ok I do not own an APP phone or never will I think the things remove humility from the world, all these people walking into lamp posts looking down not taking any interest in their natural surroundings, I see it every day.
Did you know looking down gives your brain a false feeling of negativity, proven fact. If you look up your brain is flooded with happy chemicals. Do a google search on it.
I have never really got to grips with the major desire to see an APP before serious hard ware development that would save your tank from all sorts of disasters. Yes an APP can tell you the status of your tank and you can switch somethig on or off, so I understand the idea if your system was unreliable, but GHL does not have a habit of throwing its toys out of the pram, so I cant understand the mass panic of needing to constantly check that your controller has not dumped your sump contents into the basement? And the ProfiLux does have a browser controlled application already, all be it needing finishing.
Its a lovely time of year, the trees are amazing colour, but then I guess you could always down load a screen saver to look at it instead
Ok before you tear into me,
I write this as fun and just to put some human light into the subject, and I fully understand your desire for this APP, even if I do struggle to see the huge need for it so soon so fast. And I support all of you that want it, and it will come, no idea when but it will. And as with everything GHL it likely give the competition a huge wedgy in the process as always.
Fun times.