Looking for a 500g+ water storage tank


Active member
Hi all,

Secrets of the Sea will soon have need for a ≥500 gallon water storage tank (vertical cylinder type). Ordering new would come at a substantial cost. Anybody know anyone with such a tank that they may be willing to donate or sell used? It can only have been used to store water, no chemicals/fertilizers/etc.

Also, please share if you know of a local business that sells them. Shipping is a BEAST on these puppies!

Glenn Industries has been used by a few people locally. You can also check with Tractor Supply.
I would say Sarasota container company, however I have never dealt with them. I will also say that on another post about containers one of our members expressed he had a bad experience with them, though I don't know any details.

*Edit* Just looked at their website and it appears 275g may be the largest they sell. I would give them a call though they may have a lead on someone that sells the 500g.
I would only deal with Sarasota container company as a last resort and if his container is much cheaper than new. Ill put it this way, after everything I have gone through I should have just bought a new 55g drum instead of the $28 I paid him for a used one.
Any possibility of putting up a donor board? Maybe businesses would be more likely to donate if they can walk in & see the company name.
Glenn Industries. Personal friend and good guy. He will go out of his way drilling for bulk heads and whatever he can do for you.
Glenn also has a trailer and would likely deliver it for you or at least you could work something out.

I would almost guarantee he has a 500 in stock.
Any possibility of putting up a donor board? Maybe businesses would be more likely to donate if they can walk in & see the company name.

We will have that, want to be on it? :dance:

Glenn Industries. Personal friend and good guy. He will go out of his way drilling for bulk heads and whatever he can do for you.

Spoke with Glenn today, nice guy. Will find out what discounts he can offer as construction time nears.