Looking for a nice shrimp goby 2 pair w/ my new pistol... anyone seen one around?


New member
I finally located a nice tiger pistol shrimp (im acclimating him as I am typing this) at a LFS. I was looking for some type of shrimp goby to pair him with and found a cool looking 2" watchman goby at a LFS. Unfortunately, the LFS employee lost the fish to the rear of the tank... hes a goner now (rear of the tank has a gap that the fish fell into and its only about 1" wide so hes no longer).

Has anyone seen a nice shrimp goby around town that I can pair with my pistol?

Should I put the pistol in the main tank tonight or should i wait til i get the goby (put him in the sump for now??)? Does it matter or will they pair up whenever they come across each other?

Also, is there anything i can do to better my chances that the pistol makes his home in the front of the rockwork instead of the rear??

looking forward to your responses

Exotic aquatics in ft. lauderdale just got some yashia (spelling?) gobies in today. They are very nice.
i second the yashias. Also, the Randall's are nice or maybe a black band. Exotic tends to have the all or get them in every other week
i wouldnt put it in the sump.... i had one a year ago and i put it in the sump while i rearanged the rocks and he ended getting sucked into the return and died!
thx guys... any ideas on the price on the yashia goby @ exotic? Where do they have a Randall Goby? price?

What about pairing the 2? will the goby go right for the pistol and pair up? how do i keep him in the front of the tank?

By the way... he's in the tank already and making a tunnel under my ricordeas on the left side of the tank!!! cool to watch
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I believe the yashia gobies were 29??? But dont quote me on that. I ended up picking up a High-fin Shrimp goby that was paired with a Randall's Pistol Shrimp. They were pretty interesting to look at. I didnt go with the Yashia goby since they had just gotten them in and were still floating in the shipping bags.
Yes, it was today, they had 2 of the yashia's....cant remember if they had any randalls....(but if I were to guess, I would say they didnt have any) They even had 3 Catalina Gobys which I havent seen in a long time. They had a couple of yellow clown gobies, neon gobies, a green clown goby....... thats about all I remember.
sweet man... hopefully they still have the yashia when i go by tomorrow. I should be there around lunch time if anyone is in the area.
