Premium Member
Just wondering if you guys can help me out...
I am looking for the part (union?) that comes with AmpMaster 3000. Basicall the white pvc that hooked on to AmpMaster before connecting to PVC (or sump).
I contacted Dolphine, and they told me to ask the people I've purchased the pump from.
Also curious if you have any 1" seaswirl in stock. I might get two. have you heard of 1.5"? Rumor has it, there is a 1.5" seaswirl available out there?
Do you have PVC "Gate Valves" and "Check Valves" ?
Just wondering if you guys can help me out...
I am looking for the part (union?) that comes with AmpMaster 3000. Basicall the white pvc that hooked on to AmpMaster before connecting to PVC (or sump).
I contacted Dolphine, and they told me to ask the people I've purchased the pump from.
Also curious if you have any 1" seaswirl in stock. I might get two. have you heard of 1.5"? Rumor has it, there is a 1.5" seaswirl available out there?
