Looking for a tank controller. Talk me into the ProfiLux.

2. Apps dont exist and probably never will.
Again this is incorrect also sorry.

There will be an announcement about APPS coming. But there is also a good reason why an APP up until now has not come from GHL. Have a look at the software development, have a close look at the massive amount of control options. Firstly no APP could ever handle this and secondly even with cut down control to a level an APP could handle the software has had to change so many times this past two years to keep up with the massive onward dvelopment of GHL an APP would have to be re-written every few weeks. The key is stability, and due to some very high product releases this has taken president.

The GHL is an Aquarium computer, its a professional device used for keeping your tank alive. An APP is fun but it does not save your tank. its a gadget. The P3 has a webserver built in where you can access all the main important feature sets should something go wrong while out and away, you dont need an APP to run this.

I would like to readdress this.

Apps have been out now for years, Other controllers that have been on the market for a much shorter time already have offical apps. The fact that GHL is sleeping on this is very disapointing at best.
I will belive that they will have an app when I see it in the app store, GHL talking about software is just that.

Im not trying to badmouth the product Micheal but it is what it is. Ive had great support from you in the past. But if I were in the market for a aquarium computer the app would be very tops on the list of must haves.

On a side note, I would like to see your dealers add the power transformers onto the sites. Its a pretty important piece especially in places that have lighting storms. Its actually the only failure I have had other than probes due to age.
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I love this controller. From II ex to III ex, never an issue. Some bit of learning curve as it is different say from an APEX (which i still own and sitting in my closet somewhere). It does do thing so much easier in setting up equipement and setup conditions.

I am going to agree with bmwaaron though, the non existing app is the only disappoint thing but I just get around that by having the ability to remote into my server from any remote location and control the Profilux from the Window software. But I would like to see an iphone app with just the ability to turn socket on/off and see tank status. That would be all I need from an app.

Now I wish my 3 mitras would ship ASAP =)
The answer to this is very simple and addressed in my first reply.

Other controllers do not have anywhere near the functionality or control suite that the GHL does neither do they have the amount of add on accessories, they also do not get updated with new features as often a GHL do. When was the last time you saw other controllers bring out new bits of hard war for example dedicated flow sensors? All these things you are going to want access to from your APP I am quite sure. They are also items that will save your tank from a crash, an APP wont. You already can get email alerts and turn things on and off through any browser enabled phone.

In regards to just wanting an APP to turn on and off sockets, as mentioned above, you do not need any APP for this, the P3 has a built in webserver it can be run from any browser enabled phone, so you already have access to this.

Having said all that, an APP will come, that is a 100% fact, but lets get the Mitras launched and the extras level inputs launched so you can have as many flow option as you like.
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On a side note, I would like to see your dealers add the power transformers onto the sites. Its a pretty important piece especially in places that have lighting storms. Its actually the only failure I have had other than probes due to age.

These are a service accessory sold through us at cost price, we do not charge any mark up on these parts, its all part of the GHL NA service care plan we run. Same goes with any PCB's
The official GHL statement:
we are developing apps for Android and iPhone at this very moment

the development of the Mitras firmware took many ressources, so the app dev. has been delayed

I am quite sure we have something to show in about 6 weeks
The answer to this is very simple and addressed in my first reply.

Other controllers do not have anywhere near the functionality or control suite that the GHL does neither do they have the amount of add on accessories, they also do not get updated with new features as often a GHL do. When was the last time you saw other controllers bring out new bits of hard war for example dedicated flow sensors? All these things you are going to want access to from your APP I am quite sure. They are also items that will save your tank from a crash, an APP wont. You already can get email alerts and turn things on and off through any browser enabled phone.

In regards to just wanting an APP to turn on and off sockets, as mentioned above, you do not need any APP for this, the P3 has a built in webserver it can be run from any browser enabled phone, so you already have access to this.

Having said all that, an APP will come, that is a 100% fact, but lets get the Mitras launched and the extras level inputs launched so you can have as many flow option as you like.

"Other controllers do not have anywhere near the functionality or control suite that the GHL does neither do they have the amount of add on accessories, they also do not get updated with new features as often a GHL do."

Can you elaborate on your statement further? I am just getting back into the hobby after ten years and unfortunately I have not seen a controller in person so this is all new to me. Can you give me examples of function and control the Profilux has that the Apex does not. Also your example of flow sensor how can I utilize this in my reef tank? I guess to measure turnover and to report a failed pump but won't a float switch so the same function?

Last the upgrade ability of the profilux, exactly what types of upgrades are available for legacy controllers? I am a IT professional for 20 years and I have seen my fair share of upgrades and enhancements. It is best to weight the cost of the upgrade against the cost of the replacement and in most cases you are better off with replacing the equipment as oppose to updating. You also have to weight if the upgrade worth the cost.
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The best thing to do is go to www.ghlna.com and have a look at the mass of accessories available to GHL users, even then not all are listed some are special order.

Other controllers opt for the user to find third party options even if the controller has the ability to use them leaving you having to in many cases hot wire, and I assume with no manufacturer back up. In this respect GHL make so many options decicated to work with their control suite and also dedicated software to control it, with this in mind you end up with a rock solid reliable system backed up and supported by the manufacturer.

In regards to upgrades for the future, in the past when new controllers have come out GHL have never left their existing clients in the dark, everything is backward compatible and when the ProfiLux 3 launched everyone was offered Plus II to P3 upgrade kits. As there is not mention or need either right now for a replacement to the P3 I cant comment on for example a P4 upgrade, but i cant see why GHL would suddenly change their stance on upgrades.
Having said all that, an APP will come, that is a 100% fact, but lets get the Mitras launched and the extras level inputs launched so you can have as many flow option as you like.

I'm somewhat relieved to hear that it WILL be released...

Just concerned about when. 2013? 2014?

Mitra's are about to go "live" (at least in the US) at MACNA this weekend, which means resources should pretty much be freed up by now.

The reason I'm asking is that I am a developer myself; but a Mac OS X developer. I'm pretty certain that GHL has no immediate plans to release a Mac version of the ProfiLuxControl software but this glaring issue for us can be alleviated if GHL were to release a iPhone/iPad app; a third party is releasing an Android-only app presently.

If nothing for the iPhone/iPad will be available for another year, then I want to embark on a development project of my own to build an iPhone/iPad/OS X application; I may still do so for an OS X application because running Windows 7 in virtualization on a Mac laptop is painfully slow (much faster on my Mac Pro but that's on the second floor whereas my aquarium will be on the first floor) :(

Is there a source either through GHL or other third parties that can provide guidance to API's or techniques to access the ProfiLux?
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the P3 has a built in webserver it can be run from any browser enabled phone, so you already have access to this.
The P3 does have a webserver, however after having used the profilux for many years you do find that it does have shortcomings.

Webserver is pretty useless as you can't really do anything with it.

My SMS unit is great as it advises when i get a alarm, however it does not advise what is alarmed so i can't tell tell if it is urgent or not.

When i do water changers i have real issues as i get alarms all the time as i can't turn off the probes and level control.

updates have been promised but it never happens.

not sure if the GHL is any better than others, it also have its strengths and weakness
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Sounds like you are running old versions of both sms and ProfiLux firmware, and for the level alarms, this is probably due to your safety time out being too short when draining, easily resolved. If not that then still simple to resolve with a bit of support.
The official GHL statement:
we are developing apps for Android and iPhone at this very moment

the development of the Mitras firmware took many ressources, so the app dev. has been delayed

I am quite sure we have something to show in about 6 weeks

Any update on this ??