Looking for a tank sitter.......


New member
Anyone available to tend to my tanks from December 29-January 2? I already have someone to tend to our cats and dogs but........they're not reefers. The last time I had a non-reefer watch after my tanks it didn't go too well. Anyways, let me know if anyone can help out.
If you can't find someone closer, I'll do it. I just didn't think that you wanted a long hair tatooed freak in yer house!
Why not...I'm a short haired tatooed freak.

And the sign says "long haired freaky people, need not apply" LMFAO!!!!

I only need someone to stop by every other day. Which would be Monday the 29th, Wed the 31, and maybe Friday the 2nd.
No prob. I'm on call for another friends tank over xmas. His GF is staying home, but doesnt know anything about tanks, so if anything goes wrong I get the call.
Justin,sorry! It was an accident, I swear! We decided to have a small, really tiny party at yer house. Like all good parties, this one quickly got kinda outta hand. Some things were re-arranged. Sorry, uh, about the house:


We did, however, manage to straighten up before we left:


Hope your vacation was nice and relaxing!