Looking for advice on coral selection


New member
I have a spot in my tank that has been void of any corals since the tank was set up due to my tube anemone. It has finally moved and settled in and left the back corner of the tank open for more corals (yeah!!!). I am not sure what to put in the empty space. It is in the back corner of the tank but is visible when walking in the hallway or going up the stairs.. The area is very high flow , due to the water bouncing of the corner and running towards the firn of the tank. It is also one of the lowest light areas in the tank. Any idea what I could put in the area?


Here is a full tank shot.


This one shows the avalible space

Just thinking out loud. Maybe make a cave and have a goby/shrimp combo. The only other thought is to add a stunner or optics to shine a light there and put some GSP or Zoas. Add a kessil over that spot and grow SPS. LOl...

Good luck!!!
Local club member up here in palm beach was getting rid of it. I picked it up for about the price of a frag of few polyps captain Americas