Hi, I'm looking for an aggresive fish for my 30g long since my clown died. Right now all I have is 4 big rocks in there and my tank has been running for about 1 1/2 years.
If you're looking for a predator a dwarf lion, one of the smaller eels (or a green 'wolf eel', which is in the dottyback family), or a frogfish might be fun.
If you're just looking for something with an attitude problem a pair of clowns, a dottyback, pixy hawkfish, or any of the dascyllis damsels might fit the bill
Fu should work in a 30g L.... but i would want to attempt anything smaller than that. Fu's dont get real big and dont move around enough to require a real big tank. I have heard they can be finicky eaters though. Good luck.
never had trouble getting a fu man chu to eat. but it took us a while to find one that was in good shape and last past a few days. Get a lfs to get one in and moniter it for a while
I think a 30g would be enough for a FuManchu. I work at a LFS, we've had shipments of these guys that appeared outwardly healthy, but refused to eat. Make sure any lion you consider buying has been at the store a while and ask them to feed it in front of you.
How much fish experience do you have? 1 year and a half? Why did the clown die...? You might want to make sure that problem is fixed before you purchase a more expensive fish. By my experience I had a hard time with a fu man chu and didnt like the fact that it spent a lot of time not swimming. What about two semi aggresive but still beautiful fish? Like a flame hawkfish with a mexican rainbow wrass? Not picking out fish at all you might hate both those fish, I am just saying you have 30 gallons some semi aggresive fish might liven up some color. And being semi aggresive you will be able to put other things in also like crabs snails ect.
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