Looking for Bean Animal overflow install on Oceanic 135g

I'll be moving back out to Honey Brook (19344) in late april and have the room to set up the 135 again. The tank is not reef ready and I've lost faith in the external overflow concept (travel alot and prefer reef ready for mental peace of mind).

I'm looking to see if there is anybody in the area that would install an overflow box and drill the tank for a bean animal system. ?
I drilled my old Oceanic 135 myself and installed a bean animal overflow...it really wasn't difficult at all. You can buy the bits you need on ebay dirt cheap. I think I paid $6.00 each for them. I bought 2 because I was afraid one wouldn't hold up drilling all three holes but I probably didn't need to. All you need is a good drill, some plumbers putty, patience and about 45 minutes to an hour to drill the holes. After the holes are drilled installing the overflow is a snap.