Looking for lighting suggestions for 75g


New member
I'm looking for some lighting suggestions for a 48" long 75g tank.

I'm "in process" of building a canopy and I'm considering one of the MH/VHO retro kits.

From my endless readings, it looks like I'll need at least 2 MH 175 watt lights.

Any suggestions?

I saw that this place was having a special.

I have been and will continue to read about electronic ballasts, magnetic ballasts, pulse start ballasts, and so on.
Have you considered T5? I'v got 4 bulbs on my 75, and I'm happy. I can place sps in the top half of the tank, so for me it works.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6536721#post6536721 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mish
Have you considered T5? I'v got 4 bulbs on my 75, and I'm happy. I can place sps in the top half of the tank, so for me it works.

That is something too consider and the price is a bit less.

I may have an icecap electronic ballast available for VHO, but I have no idea if it will work on T5 lights.

It was actually mine at one point and I let someone borrow it. Now, they are having trouble finding it.
I would also consider T5... A good individual reflector is the key. Ive been more than happy with my setup on my 55 gal. I have some acros up top and softies a little lower, all are doing just fine. Now I have a 180 in the works, and I will stick with the T5's....
I think the pendants would be the way to go, but I really need a canopy. I may be able to get a deal on 2 250w MH. Would that be overkill?
I like the look of 2 x 400 watt Radiums run on a PFO ballast. Some think it's a little to blue but no need for VHO with this setup.

If you go with pendants, I'd look at the 250's.
I have a canopy and pendants. Just make it tall and open top and drop the pendants through it.