Looking for New Skimmer


New member
Looking too Replace My Reef Octopus, Skims well but constantly overflows.
65Gal SPS Tank. Looking at a Verex Omega Cone 150, or the Reef Octopus Pro Open Volute 6".
Jeremey? Thoughts?
I think you would be very happy with either. The Octopus POV's are going to be another few weeks or so until they arrive back in though, supply has been really short on them. I think that a 6" body skimmer will be fine for what you're doing, however I think the Octopus you're running is probably good for the tank as well and I'd be curious as to why it's overflowing? You might consider keeping that and just getting it dialed in so you don't have to spend the money on a new skimmer.
It has Overflowed since day one! I have ran it for a few years, So Dialing it in isn't a issue. I have been thru at least 3 Pumps. Same thing each time. I use a continuous Kill A Watt Meter on this Skimmer, Ever since the First Pump Problem.
Skimmer starts off at about 19W , then slowly Creeps up, 20, 21, 23, 24 Watts and Overflow.
Venturi is spotless, Cleaned twice a week. I'm guessing it's time for yet another Pump.
Water outlet is above sump water level, Initially set water/Foam line below where Cup attaches. Watts go up, and Overflow. ( XP 2000).
I guess, i'm trying to get away from these Pumps. Not one has made it to warranty.
So.....the Vertex Omega Cone 150 should be a good replacement?
The Vertex is certainly a good replacement for that skimmer, and really one of the best 6" body skimmers on the market. They're easy to dial in and just flat out work. We do have them in stock available to ship immediately if you're interested.
You would choose the vertex over the POV? What would be your absolute choice in any brand? Thanks again for the help and suggestions!
i'm happy with my Vertex Omega Cone 150 i use the use nothing but Reef Octopus and i will not be going back.Vertex is like night and day over Reef Octopus.don't get me wrong Reef Octopus is a good skimmer but after having a Vertex it would be hard to go back.
Of all the 6" body protein skimmers out there my two top choices right now would be the Super Reef Octopus 2000 Internal and the Vertex Omega 150. The pump to body / neck size on these two are extremely well matched, and they are proven to just flat out work with good track records - the Octopus more so than the Omega since it's been out much longer. That's not to say the POV doesn't well, it's just not in enough people's hands yet to have a really thorough test of users. On top of that, the pump does work well, but it doesn't have a proven track record yet for reliability. The Bubble Blaster is a very strong motorblock as well as the Sicce on the Omega.
Thanks Jeremy!
I have pretty much decided on the Vertex, and really appreciate your input.
I had it narrowed down to two Skimmers The Vertex and the RLSS Waveline 6 Protein Skimmer with DC 2500 Pump.
Both look promising, but it seems the Omega has a bigger fan base.
Thanks again!