Looking for some Items near Coral Springs


New member
Well i live near coral springs and i wanted to buy some things:

1. Any kind of lighting suitible for a 30 gallon tank, thats 30 inches long. I want it to be over 100w.
2. Someone willing to sell frags, like some zoo's, mushrooms or green star polyps.

Thanks, diego
If you're willing to wait till next friday/saturday, I'll be down in Boca and I've got a bunch of cool mushrooms, some zoos, and some other pretty easy to keep corals. Let me know if you're interested.
sure, my sister is always in boca, she goes to FAU, PM me with more information and if you can send me pictures of what u have with the prices and ill let you know.

anyone else?
I have some safecrackers,eagle eyes & a few other types of zoanthid frags.I live in sunrise,if you want to swing by,shoot me a PM
I'll be moving down to weston at the beginning of next month. I've got a frag of Green Star Polyps that you could have for like 5 bucks. If I can find frag of Pink Star Polpys that fell of the rock I had and dissappeared I could throw those in too. I've also got a couple little frags of green zoos. Couple diffarent styles.