Looking for volunteers to count vote for the upcoming election.


We are looking for volunteers who are NCPARS members, NOT on the board of directors, and NOT looking to run in the upcoming election to be a non-biased party to count/validate our votes.

We are looking for 2 people; you will be responsible for counting both the e-ballots and the ballots taken at the event. This will not take very much of your time, we just want 2 people who don't have a personal interest in the voting.

There will also most likely be two board members counting the votes as well. These will be BOD members that are NOT in the upcoming election.

Please let us know if you're interested ASAP. We'd like to open e-voting on Tuesday.


--Kevin Fizz
--President, NCPARS
Consider me volunteered...

Consider me volunteered...

I will volunteer. I can do this for the club.

My 2006 dues are paid and I have no intention of running for the BOD and I WILL NOT accept a floor nomination to be on the board. (Sorry, but I really don't have the time to be on the BOD)

...OK...I got a PM from Poconofishy to be the #2. Rahn, send me the email address you want the ballots to go to.



...EDIT...Poconofishy..your PM is full, I need the email address you want them to go to as well.



You got PM and email with the requested info.

Sorry all, I'm working nightshift right now. I'm asleep when everyone else is awake...and vice versa.

Yea I know, you and I talked for a long time the other night. Boy was I tired the next 2 days. I had to go to Pittsburgh for the draft the next day and it wasnt until midnight the next day that I got to get some sleep. LOL Time flys when you are having fun, tired or not!

