Lost all my fish but not my corals


New member
Hi all, I'm looking for some insight.

I lost all my fish to ich about 5-6 weeks ago. I'm going 9 weeks without fish but all my corals are still in the tank.

I've started noticing some of my corals colors are fading a bit. Could this be due to not having any nutrients in my tank since it's fishless? I'm still dosing Reef energy A&B daily to help feed them but really starting to notice color lost.

I also stopped dosing NoPox after my fish died. Other than having no fish, stopping NoPox was the only thing I've done differently. Should I start back up with NoPox? Would it even matter or help?

Thanks in advance for any help.
I con't say on the NoPox, but it is quite possible that without any fish in the system there is a deficiency of nutrients. The corals need SOME nitrates and phosphates, though in very small amounts. Maybe you could start ghost feeding your tank, just a little amount and see if that helps. Just stay on top of your testing and be sure that your levels are low, but detectable.
I still feed my LPS mysis once a week and I get a few that float away. I was hoping it would be enough to "dirty" the water a bit but I'm guessing it isn't enough. I'm trying to hold off doing anything crazy for another 3 weeks so I can start adding fish again but I'm also not wanting to lose my corals either. Not all my corals are fading though, mainly just SPS and my indo gold torch is looking pail. Acans and scoly still has their bright colors.
Why guess?
What were your parameters before you lost all the fish?..and what are they now?

At least give us a chance of answering your question with some sort of valid information behind it..
Why guess?
What were your parameters before you lost all the fish?..and what are they now?

At least give us a chance of answering your question with some sort of valid information behind it..

All testing done with RedSea test kits except where noted. Using RedSea coral pro salt.

Parameters before & after fish death were the same. I removed fish as soon as I noticed they were dead. I also continued doing my weekly 15% water change. Only thing I stopped doing was dosing NoPox.

Alk-11.5dkh (hanna checker)
Phos-0 (hanna phosphate & phosphorous checker)
With that low of nitrates and phosphates, I definitely wouldn't carbon dose.

If you are adding fish anytime soon, then I wouldn't worry about it.
Your nutrient numbers seem very low, my corals including SPS seem to like nitrate around 5 which your ok on, but phosphate at .05, you say yours is zero.
They may be starving now the fishes nutrient additions are gone.