Lotus50God's 340 Large fish & Shark/Ray Tank


Active member
I just moved houses and my 260 inwall tank could not be removed from the house (without breaking stuff). So the new owners got a tank.

Well I needed a new place to house my critters, and a LFS was getting rid of their display tank. Here is my new 340 Acrylic.

I am salvaging all the equipment from my 260.

What a PITA moving a big tank is.

Here are some specs...
Tank is 84Lx36Wx25H.
Sump is 48Lx24x24
Open Loop Pump: Turbo Sea 1740
Closed Loop: Sequence Dart
Wave Maker: Oceans Motion 4 way with Revolutions Drum
Skimmer: Ocotpus Dual Recirc Skimmer
Lighting: 3x400 PFO (20k)
Chiller: JBJ-1/3hp
Management: AquaController 3

I am about 1/2 way done with the plumbing and should be ready for a fresh water test this week.


My stocking list is
1x12" Sohal Tang (from old tank)
3x7" Blue Tangs (from old tank)
1x7" Midas Blenny
1x Blue spot batray
1x lepoard shark
If this is the fish only tank, i would go with T-5 HO instead of MH to avoid heat and excessive power usage. JMO
There will be some corals (softies and some LPS). Nothing too crazy.

I already have the MH's off my other tank, so I may as well use them
Drop the Leopard. Are you aware the max size of this shark? And also that they are illegal under 3ft? These sharks can and will get almost the total length of your tank.

And by Bluespot Bat Ray, do you mean Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray?
Isnt a 340 a little small for a shark and Ray anyhow? Ive always heard you werent supposed to keep rays and sharks in anything less than a 1000g tank. I saw a bamboo shark in a tank at the LFS this weekend. It was in a 240g tank, and it was sad. He was only about 12" long, but he was already too big for the tank. Id skip those guys all together, it doesnt seem fair to them...
okay.. scrap the shark..

I have kept that ray before. Had him for 2 years before my sohal tang started competing for food with him. I tried to slim down my sohal on the advise that he was too fat..
It is a Blue spotted fantail ray (Taeniura lymma) Max disc width 35cm.

Your tank is not as long as most would call "adequate" for this ray, however your saving grace is that the tank is alot wider. With this in mind I think it will be alright for the ray, but I would not push adding a shark as well.

Cheers !
good idea guys that is why I love this forum....Just because the wallet says okay doesnt always mean the critter will be happy.

I really just want something other than the common reef fish in the tank. Rays are awesome and I have always had a longing to have a ray tank. Ill keep you posted on pics.. I am going to do a fresh water fill today to test all of my bulk heads before putting it against the wall
A coral cat shark would be fine in that tank.

I would go with easy to keep rays as they can be hard to keep,
such as Caribbean ray or yellow spot rays.

Sounds like an awesome project.

I am doing a simular thing on a smaller scale,
I will be making my 100 FOWLR a Reef with FOWLR and will be keeping my baby sharks there until they get big enough to move into my bigger system .

Post some pics when you get it filled up.

I am excited to see this tank rays are my favorite fish EVER! I have a freshwater stingray pond in my basement. WIll deffinatly watch this tank develope.
well fresh water test went well and the pump is quiet. The durso is a little noisy... Need to look into a way to quiet that down.

Going to add salt and let her run through the night. Hope to have some sand and rock (from existing tank)in there by tomorrow
Added a 1.5 buckets of tropic marin pro. Skimmer is going nutz.

Im going to skim wet for the 1st couple of weeks just to get some of the crap out of the water column.