Loud 6105


part time superhero
I have a 6105 that has gotten noticeably louder over the past couple of months, in spite of cleaning it, etc. I can only describe it as a loud hum which in and of itself isn't too bad. However, its loud enough that I can hear it on the floor above. My other one runs dead silent. Is this normal or is something going on the pump?
I am having a similar issue with a 6100, hope you don't mind me adding to your thread.

After cleaning, I can now here one pump 'hum', the pitch changes everytime the pumps switches from high to low. Never heard this before and not sure what it might be. Any ideas?
The 6100 and 6105 are very different so the issues would not be related. The 6105 tends to transmit vibration because the holder is so rigid, the keys to reducing this hum are to have the newer 18V jumper 45mm prop combo vs the older 24V jumper 42mm prop combo. This causes a slower rotation, though flow stays the same, this reduces the reverberation. It is also important to make sure the rubber feet are in place on the magnet holder. In the next couple of months a new clamp with a rubber insert will come out that will absorb most of the vibration.

A 6100 will usually make noise if the drive unit is the older 6080.600 or 6100.600 and it is starting to wear out, or if the mount is missing the rubber feet. Upgrading to the 6100.700 and making sure that the magnet holder has the rubber feet or the rail has the rubber isolators will likely solve the problem.
Roger - Is there a pre-order list for the new rubber clamp for 6105 coming out? I'd be very interested...
Not yet, I don't yet have a part number or even an image of what it will look like.
Hey guys, sorry for the delay as I was out of town this week. I double checked and both my pumps have the 18v jumper. However, I am not sure about the prop.
In the center of the propeller it will have a 45 for 45mm or a 42 for 42mm. Most likely the prop is the correct 45mm. I would make sure the pump is clean, especially between the drive unit and shaft and that the cover is on securely, the main fix for this issue will be a new clamp with a rubber insert, it is not ready yet.