Low light corals?


Red Dragons!
I'm looking for some corals that are low light corals for my 30" deep shark tank. It has 4X96 watt PC lights. So far I have Xenia, mushrooms, kenya tree, 2 zoo frags, star polyps and anthelia. I'm looking for other corals that can be kept in the same light as these corals. Any ideas, Cabbage coral? Let me know what you think and if you have a frag to sell. Thanks
evolust i know gabi has some kenya tree he lives like 1/2 mile from me i can talk to him and bring some next week when i bring you that $$$
garonia(sp?) I can proably take a branch off my main well only stalk/clonony? It is orange with red dots where the white polyps come out of. It was at ATR about 6 months ago.
Gabi, that would be cool, I have never heard of it, but I can give it a try. Can you bring it to the frag meeting or give it to rljlll to bring to me?