

New member
I have several different LPSs in the tank. I have 2 different frogspawns, 1 hammer, 2 or 3 chalice, and a frag of acans that I have had since the 90. My question is with the acans. It seems that I have a few new heads sprouting out, but over all on the bigger heads, it looks like I have some receding going on. I have them lower in the tank, and they are now on the sand. Any suggestions on what to do to make them pop? I have never had much luck with them, but would like to try some more of them if I can get them to take off and plump up.
Keep the temp stable having big swings will cause this some. mainly if they get too hot. Keep your alk and ph stable as well.

Those three have been the ones that seems to have the biggest influence on the acans.
My temp stays fine. I get about a 2 or 3 degree swing is all. Unless that is to much.

As for my levels, I will check again. They were all fine last week when I tested.
I thought the one time were chatting you didnt really have much in the way of temp control. it was going from 74 75 to in the 80's. I must of misunderstood.
In the 90 i had that problem. In the 50 so far, I have not had that problem. It is even better now that I got the fans on the canopy a few weeks ago. Unless my old mercury therm. is bad, which could be.
Do you feed them at all? I know spot feeding them some small mysis and stuff like coral frenzy will help them grow. i had a small colony that was receeding and then i started to spot feed and it started to come back. I am no longer spot feeding and now its down to a couple of polyps lol. depending on the type you have they can be pretty needy when it comes to feeding kind of like a sun coral.
No, i have not spot fed them at all. Never have really. I am willing to give it a try for sure.
Phil, If I remember right you have the pygmy angel in there right? Angels will constantly pick at them and make them stay tensed up. My flameback does it to mine. I spot feed pellets mostly, shrimp once in a while, and keep my hand in the tank to make sure the fish dont pick at it.
The receding might be from moving it around? I would keep them in a shaded part of the tank as that will make them fluff out to recieve light. Kind of like a mushroom does. They also dont do as good in High Alk. 8-9 seems about the limit with them. I use to run mine at 12-13 and they didnt like it. 8-9 they are happier.