LR Dip


New member
I am going to move some LR from one tank to my main tank and was wondering what you guys use to ensure no pests make the ride? I read for a bit and there are opinions on both sides on everything from FW dips to iodine to "snake oil" (any product sold to dip LR).....people have definate strong opinions.....

The rocks were in my QT tank, but I see some small white dots on my tank after adding a couple of frag swap purchases, so I am not sure if it is friend or foe.....I haven't had time to analyze them yet, but was curious as a safety percaution what everyone else uses.

I am sure Jay-slicer has some common home brew of some sorts....melt a cough drop and combine with half an alca seltzer or something....:hmm6:
I use fresh water dips. Really their more of a dunk and swish, but they still get the job done. Any sponges onthe rock will die, but everything else will be fine. It's only a few seconds. The main propose of the dip is to drive off unwanted hitchhikers. I used it to drive out mantis shrimp. The spots may be corraline.
(and by the way, I find Jagermeister works well... on me, that is). Ha, no, as a coral dip I use Lugol's iodine solution, 40 drops per gallon for 10 - 15 minutes.
slicer you kinda got behind on your reading unh? 31 days ago that might have been useful Anyway, that is good to know for future dips...thanks