Lugol's Solution


Premium Member
Ok have a question about mixing and dipping...... I mixed 3-4 drops per gallon or RO/DI let the zoo sit in there for about 3-4 minutes the swished it around for about a minute.....placed it back in the tank till this day the zoo has never opened up.

Ok for the second part, if you were to read the instructions on the bottle it states:
To use as a dip for corals, in a separate bucket add 40 drops Lugol's Solution to 1 gallon aquarium water, and immerse coral for 10-15 minutes.

40 drops.?????
I was told by several members 4-5 drops per gallon

anyway still waitting for my zoos to open...:(
Brian, did you adjust the Ph and temp of the RO?

I dipped 3 new colonies just last night, I have a 2 gallon container, put about 6 to 8 drops of Lugols, same amount of Flat worm Exit, soak 5 minutes and they where open about 30 minutes later.
I never dip corals in fresh water, I hear of people who do that but in my experience it stress the corals to the max, on the other hand, back in the days I do remember dipping fish in fresh water with very little ill effects mostly for parasites, don't do it either!
I use 5 drops of lugols in a qt. of tank water, I find that this is enough to get everything jumping out like there is a fire in the building!
Time of dipping usually vary from a quick dip-shake and rinse to max 2 minutes.
When I was big into keeping zoanthids, I dipped my new frags/colonies in dechlorinated tap water for 3 minutes.
Ok here's what Im seeing mixed instructions.....I understand things work differnet ways for different people
4 drops per Gallon
5 drops per Quart
40 drops per Gallon..(on the bottle)
Also says its great for xenia......this dip would be good for the people that want to get rid of xenia....:)

I put a frag of zoos that had a few stalks of day xenia were completely gone from the zoo frag BTW the zoos are doing great..thank god
You could also get the "Reef Dip" by Seachem, that is used with tank water.
If there are Nudis, they will only fall off in fresh water.
All I can say is, last year I got 4 new zoa colonies from California and I was too busy to dip, inspected them with the magnifying glass and dropped them in the tank. 48 hours later ALL (about 50) of my zoa colonies where closed idea what happened. No zoas enter my tank without dipping from that point on.
Brian, Iodine as a trace element is believe to benefit Xenia, Lugols (a much concentrated form of Iodine) is not good for long dips on xenia
Use the instructions in the Zoa forum sticky. Use 3 gals of R/O..Set the PH and temp the same as your tank and use 4 to 5 drops lugol's solution. Let the zoa frags sit for 5 minutes, then turn upside down and swish. Then put the zoa's in your tank. Many that collect Zoa's do this with no ill effects to the zoa's.