Mac support

Sorry buddy I do sleep ;)

Yes there is Mac support we have multuple users around the world running the software on cross overs without a single issue. No the P2 can not be connected by wireless since the lauch of the P3 as the upgrade is cheaper than the wireless GHL adapter and far easier to configure.

Hope that helps
.. hmm no there is no mac support!

There is a work around if you run Fusion parallel or boot camp withc will run windows on a mac.

There are some issue that GHL never resolved on crossover, I would not recoment it.
Thanks Chris for that, not overly helpful advise.

If you go to and then the forum you can talk to many mac users around the world.

The software is windows based and works well with no real reported issues working on cross over. If you do a search on this forum for mac you will also find the same positive message
ok to be more clear....

There are some issues with crossover, depending on the version the "Save" and "Load" button on the bottom used to make any changes are outside of the window and can’t be accessible or you have the top banner hidding some fiields. You also can do any firmware upgrade.

GHL only has a windows application so anything that runs windows application should work but that dosnet make it a native mac support. There is work in progress for the new web interface but there is no date on when it will be released or what it will support.
Here are some shot of what PLC, Crossover 10.1.1 on OSX 10.6.4 look like...

here is the Home screen:

here is the PH screen:

and here are some on windows:

here is the Home screen:

here is the PH screen:
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So for clarification: to use a Mac I have to use an emulator (fusion/parallels/bootcamp). Wireless access is via upgrade to Profilux 3? What else does that change? What about remote access? Basically i have an IKS and it works great but I can't really remotely and US support is virtually non existent. And parts are stupidly expensive. It's outdated and I'm looking for something that has the reliability and functionality of my IKS but that I can also remotely access and preferably via Mac OS devices thanks in advance for thoughts
P3 gives you an onboard web and email server so you can control your profilux via this, the capabilities are currently being hugely expanded.

For the P3 to be wireless you need a basic bridge (games adapter) which I know Boboxx would be more than willing to help you set up, right chris? ;)

If you want relliability bullet proof style then you are looking at the right product for sure, if its good enough for public aquariums its good enough for us mere mortals ;)
I hope we see the day where we can control and see the status of our tank over the web... I hope it works on mobile devices also.
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thtas correct, the reason for this is stability, when updating the firmware of the ProfiLux there is a huge amount of data to transfer so it is important to have the most stable of connections

I always use the dedicated upload tool for my profiLux to make sure no hick ups take place, all this is availabel on the download page.