MACNA area beach dives / snorkeling ?


New member
Going to be in town Thursday AM - Monday afternoon. Hoping to get in the water some while in town. I usually spearfish central florida both coasts, thought it might be nice to just sightsee offshore in that blue water1 Ive Dove out of Pompano before but not in the Hollywood area. Are there any decent shore dives or nearshore rockpiles / reefs to do some looking around?

A street # and distance offshore would be more than enough. i have a float to tow. I know the boaters down there are a concern.

Anyone want to show off their local waters to a central florida guy? Thanks in advance for any and all info. See ya at the show!
The first reef line runs about 400 yards offshore from the beach in the area the hotel is in. Should be able to go right from the hotel beach ;) Otherwise a bit north is the John U. Loyd state park, and a bit south the boardwalk at Johnson street. Got to feed the parking meters at the boardwalk though. Any yup, you definitely want your dive flag, boaters like to run right over the reef line. For some reason many boaters around here are afraid of deep water and being farther than swimming distance from the beach :rolleyes: