
Marc, I'm glad you had an enjoyable time. I do agree that it was what you or me made of it. I don't know if your conversations had any imput from the vendors or other attendees, mine did. Overall I did not have a more then a medocure impression. Seems I had some rude comments before the show and literally had members from Chicago who I was. In case anyone missed me I had the Cub's cap on and even appeared in the slide show, lol.

Just my 2cents or less. Dave

Marc, I hope to meet you , perhaps in AC, I do enjoy your work and web pages. Your so kind to share.
Dave, just post your picture on here. That way we all know who you are. :lol:

I wasn't looking for drama, nor was I asking for vendor feedback when I was there. I'm a hobbyist having a good time at a conference, and don't need to know what a vendor does or doesn't like. And every year, I've heard vendors complain about this or that. Not all of them, but a few. I've had some swear they would never attend again, which was a huge loss to the hobbyists. And some I've been able to encourage to come back after a couple of years, when I asked why they weren't planning to attend the current one.

Really, the only complaint I heard often enough was the price of booze. Some of my friends just made a run to the liquor store, and saved all kinds of money. Some of us went to the party on the 39th floor - those guys were so generous, to a fault. I don't want to mention them by name because then people will be expecting it next year when it may not happen. That's their call.

I'll be there next year. Let's hang out and see if we can cancel each other out and create a neutral reaction. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13349341#post13349341 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Some of us went to the party on the 39th floor - those guys were so generous, to a fault. I don't want to mention them by name because then people will be expecting it next year when it may not happen. That's their call.

Glad you enjoyed Mark. It was a pleasure (again) to have you and everyone who attended, join us.......but to a fault :eek2: We had a blast and we did because we think everyone else did too. It was great talking to you and Misty. Getting so many people together from different parts of the country all sharing similar interests has been awesome.

Last year was Wii. This year Rock Band. Who knows what next year brings :D

MACNA XX was what we made of it also. I can see both Marks' point of view as well as Dave's'. Lets all reef, eat, talk reef, drink, view reef, and be merry!

I've been seeing quite a few pix from the party in threads all over RC. Made more of an impression than I thought. Atlantic City will just have to be the third annual ;)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13336863#post13336863 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DaveBien

I hope Atlantic City was taking notes. (OK, I'm still cranked up, LOL)

I don't know if they did - but I do know the team has been working hard (yes even a year ahead) to set things up. Right now we're (new jersey reefers club) still gearing up for our frag swap next month but it's (xxi) on the back of everyone's mind.

note to self- make sure rockband available on melev's floor for positive review. :D :D
I was impressed with how seriously the NJ people were taking their planing at the booth in Atlanta. I signed up already. I'm hoping they took note of what was done right and not so right at XX.