macroalgae for the a cold water set up


New member

Has anybody in this forum know of someone, or has heard of someone, who is trying or tried to grow cold water (55F) macroalgae (eg macrocystis, fucus spp, porphyra - red, brown or green) using artificial illumination??

Any links, references, or ideas would be greately appreciated!


San Francisco, CA
Atlantis Marine World has a North Atlantic tank with macor's growing. Off the top of my head, I've seen Ulva, Laminaria and fucus growing in there. Probably a couple of other's as well. Different species will grow at different depths depending on thier light preferences. Some of the links in the thread stuck to the top of this forum might be usefull ;) Illumination wise, I find full spectrum lighting to be the best. Intensity needs will vary with the depth of the tank and species being grown. For example, green algaes such as Ulva require very intense lighting, while reds such as porphyra will do better under moderate intensity.