Help me revive my tank and color up my SPS

The first thing you need to do is get your refractometer properly calibrated and your salinity set at 35ppt. Other than that I think you will struggle with coral color and kessils. The blue cloves and carbon dosing are other potential problems. Carbon dosing is not a longterm solution to PO4 issues.

Blue cloves are a major mistake of mine. When they first started to pop up I should have Kalk pasted or glued over them. Now they are everywhere.

I am curious though, why do you believe them to be a factor in SPS health?
I think your light is fine, I have the same lights and my colors look great. You should consider cutting down on the carbon dosing and feed the tank more. reef chili makes my coral polyps come out!
#1 get your SG up to 1.025/1.026. you are raising this now.
#2 you have a lot of filtration going on that water volume (BK180mini+butt loads of Phos remover but you are slowly removing it. I wouldnt say you need to remove it completely however you can cut down on the amount of flow through it.
#3 feed more. Get your fish fat and sassy. They poop and feed the coral. Coral loves fish poop. There is no need to "feed" your corals if you have enough fish poop. Make that BK180 work, its what its there to do.
#4 PO4, i used to chase numbers of 0. my corals were pale and dying. Unless i have gob loads of algae growing all over i do not worry about it.
Ok action plan for now is as follows:

1. Continue to slowly raise salinity/pick up calibration fluid for refractometer.

2. Increase intensity of lighting (I did this yesterday) - monitor results.

3. Continue to gradually reduce PO4 removers.

4. Slowly reduce vinegar dosing to 45ml, monitor from there.

5. Continue to try and feed as much as possible without over feeding.

6. Rescape my tank utilizing live rock in my sump. In the process I will carefully remove/frag corals from existing rock, check carefully for signs of blue cloves. Discard old rock. If I find blue cloves in the new rocks I will Kalk paste/putty over them. This is something I was considering anyway, and I had better do it before I actually get something to grow/color up and then not want to disturb.

7. Maybe when I get paid Friday I will place a BRS order and get a Hanna ULR phosphorous meter. Have also been considering the Red Sea Colors Pro test kit to allow me to test K, Fe, and Iodine.

Thanks for the input everyone!
One thing at a time. The most important is to raise your sg. Monitor it for a week or two then make your next move. You might shock your corals by raising intensity and phasing out the other stuff.
Ok action plan for now is as follows:

1. Continue to slowly raise salinity/pick up calibration fluid for refractometer.

2. Increase intensity of lighting (I did this yesterday) - monitor results.

3. Continue to gradually reduce PO4 removers.

4. Slowly reduce vinegar dosing to 45ml, monitor from there.

5. Continue to try and feed as much as possible without over feeding.

6. Rescape my tank utilizing live rock in my sump. In the process I will carefully remove/frag corals from existing rock, check carefully for signs of blue cloves. Discard old rock. If I find blue cloves in the new rocks I will Kalk paste/putty over them. This is something I was considering anyway, and I had better do it before I actually get something to grow/color up and then not want to disturb.

7. Maybe when I get paid Friday I will place a BRS order and get a Hanna ULR phosphorous meter. Have also been considering the Red Sea Colors Pro test kit to allow me to test K, Fe, and Iodine.

Thanks for the input everyone!

There is a dewormer that people have used to get rid of blue cloves. Do some research on Fenbendazole.
+1 feed fish more. And a big plus for Coral love fish poop. If your tank doesnt get a film of algae on the glass in 4-7 days that mean your coral is starving.
Picked up a bottle of calibration solution for my refractometer today. I'm at 30ppt! That's after I've been doing water changes with stronger solutions of saltwater! I wonder how low it was before!
Picked up a bottle of calibration solution for my refractometer today. I'm at 30ppt! That's after I've been doing water changes with stronger solutions of saltwater! I wonder how low it was before!

Had a feeling it was even lower than you suspected. That's most of your problem right there.
I would have never thought to look, thank you for all of the insight. Salinity was so far off my radar. Funny how I've watched phosphates, Ca, Alk, and Mg like a hawk and missed something so vital.
Ah please don't use rodi water to calibrate. It's off. Refracts meters just don't scale well at that level. Get some water from you lfs or bring you refractometer to the lfs. I used the zero method for a while and I was found to be off by 5 points! Ouch.
Ah please don't use rodi water to calibrate. It's off. Refracts meters just don't scale well at that level. Get some water from you lfs or bring you refractometer to the lfs. I used the zero method for a while and I was found to be off by 5 points! Ouch.

I was lucky. Mine instruct to calibrate with destilled or RO. I used destilled water. After reading many postings like the previous I got a calibration solution. It has always worked perfectly with both (Calibration solution and Destilled Water). I can't complain of my luck !!!!..... and is a $25 refractometer.


Ps: I remember some details: I keep the refractometer in its original box with the drying salts bag, after drying well the glass with a tissue paper. And keep it in the same room of the tank to avoid any temperature effect on the reading.
Ah please don't use rodi water to calibrate. It's off. Refracts meters just don't scale well at that level. Get some water from you lfs or bring you refractometer to the lfs. I used the zero method for a while and I was found to be off by 5 points! Ouch.

Yep, 5 points is about what I was off by. Even better than the uncertainty of LFS water, pick up some Refractometer calibration fluid. I paid 2.99 for a bottle that will probably last years!
Sps need more calcium than 400ppm try to get them up to 450ppm and Mag up to 1350ppm and stop dosing Vinegar because you phosphates and nitrates are already low enough
Sps need more calcium than 400ppm try to get them up to 450ppm and Mag up to 1350ppm and stop dosing Vinegar because you phosphates and nitrates are already low enough

No they don't, there's absolutely nothing wrong with 400ppm. I like 450 a little better, but if maintained at the levels mentioned there is going to be no difference between the two.
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