Macroalgae IDs needed

Mary ,

The first one is likely Grateloupia, though the photo is not enough to go beyond genus-level guessing. It is not an appropriate reeftank alga, in the sense that it is not found in abundant-coral contexts ---anyway thrives on very strong current, somewhat cooler temps and scuzzy water.

The second looks like Chaetomorpha, but I could be wrong. The closeup is taking forever to load. There is plenty of online comment on this alga.

The third is probably Botryocladia uvarioides, but then some of the diagnostics between species in this Genus are reproductive in nature.

After ten minutes, the rest of the pics have yet to load.

I will try to view the other (slooooooowwwwwwwly-loading) pics later today. Either my connection is crappy towards your website, or I don't know what...

Horge Cortes-Jorge Jr.
Sleep, and then coffee. It really helps...
Where were we?

1st is I think Grateloupia, possibly G. phuquocensis.

2nd is probably Chaetomorpha. There's no size reference, though, and I still can't get the closeup to load (and sorry, I'm in no mood to reset/clear the cache in case that's the problem).

3rd is possibly Botryocladia uvarioides

4th is anyone's guess. Too many dichotomous-branching reds that kinda look like that. Wish there was a microsection or at least a real close-up to go by.

5th is a Pterocladia of some kind. I would have thought P. rectangularis, but that species is thought to be native to colder waters than we are used to dealing with. Some specimens of tropical Pterocladiella capillacea look like that too.

6th are two fishies.
