Macros - gotta love 'em.






Do you mean the very first picture of this thread? That is pocillopora.

The most recent pictures are of Montipora capricornis.
hey melev that monti cap, is it just blobbing towards the sand? u think that one cap thats growing know will grow outwards this time?
It has been a blob for a very long time, but perhaps that was a direct cause to high nitrates in the system. Now that they are down, the cap is making some small plates at last. I really don't know, but it has been fun documenting its growth pattern over the past couple of years.
cant wait till i start up my red sea max tank, i have everything just waiting for the day to come for my appointment for the LFS to come with their water truck and fill it up.

its going to be mainly SPS and very few softies and zoas.