Magnet holders


New member
Hi Roger,

Does Tunze make magnet holders for my nano streams that will work on 1" tank walls? If so is there a part number?

Unfortunately, we do not. The Nano Stream was primarily intended for tanks smaller than 120 gallons so the maximum the magnet holder will work on is 3/4" glass. It would be possible with some glue to finagle a rail mount or use the larger Stream 2 magnet holder 6205.500. I would use the Tangt glue they use at the factory, our part 0104.710.
Thanks Roger, using the 6205.500 magnets was my plan. Where can I get the Stream 2 magnet holders from? I looked at the catalog and only seen the small ones.

Premium Aquatics has them in stock and they should be listed on in the next few weeks.